11:47 PM

9/12/08 WOD


Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press
Body weight back squat

Post reps for all three exercises in all rounds.


Anonymous said...

Took advantage of having an airpack around today. So wearing an airpack and helmet on air (no turnouts)
4 rounds
Tower climb 4 stories
15 air squats at top then back down
5 deadhang pull ups
35# db swings x 10
10 burpees

Was trying for 5 rounds but ran out of air around 4 1/2.

Anonymous said...

Did "fight gone bad"
1st hard push on a metcon in a while....Me and pukie went the rounds at the start of round 2....
ended up w/ a 206. Lower than last time by 20 or so. Overall a good time. Appologies to Tessa who was just trying to work on her C&J, but had to endure the wreching.
J. Tills

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