
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps of;

Deadlift 1 1/2 body weight
Bench press body weight
Clean 3/4 body weight


J Tills said...

Linda t'day....
I did the following (not quite Rx)
DL: 315
BP: 225
Squat Clean: 150
Only was able to do 30 reps of each..'N' calls came in...
Time for 1/2 Linda
34 min.
Humble Pie, I got it!!

Anonymous said...

Strong work Tills. I was happy when Nat had another wod for us this morning besides Linda. Linda scares the crap outta me, so good on ya for giving it a go.
We did "As many rounds in 20 mins"
10 OHS 65#
10 ring dips
10 knees to elbows
400 m run

Got (I think) 4 rounds + 10 OHS, 5 ring dips.
Any of these 20 mins things with runs always kick my trash. Ring dips are still a weak point for me.
I'm scared for tomorrow, Steve always leaves me feeling like a beat puppy. Shaking and peeing on the floor! ;) I'm hoping I'm not the only one there in the morning so I won't be the sole recipient of all his loving attention.

Anonymous said...

Hey yall, glad comments are up and running. Linda, hmmmm, think I'll save her for a day where I don't need to move for about 48 hours. She's a brat.

I'm still on my M-W-F lifting, Sat. met con schedule so I really don't have anything to post. Just wanted to say, Howdy!

Did Nasty Girls last Sat., 17.43 (2.5 minutes off last time).

Also, completely humbled by the 15 yr. old son, did Tabata squats tonight and got 19. Yeah, 19! Crap, last time I did it in July I got 14.

Hope everyone's well. Ummmmm, someone put down some newspaper for Will.

Anonymous said...

Great job tonight all of you that did Linda, she was mean as always. It took a while, but it was worth it. Linda is a tough workout, but you get so much from it, so great job making it to the end.

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