9:00 PM

Saturday 10/18/08


Team WOD

Bring a friend in today for a free workout!

Nice job Brooke and Blake on your tough WOD
you guys did from the Hopper Deck last Saturday!
You guys all pushed through with great intensity.


Viking CrossFit said...

Saturday wods are always fun...Hope to see a lot of you at 0930!
Travis and Richard- how are your wods going in China and from a far?

Viking CrossFit said...

I did Cindy today due equipment restraints work.

18 rounds 5 pullups, 5 pushups

full range of motion on everything. Chest to the floor, and breaking 90 degrees every squat.


Anonymous said...

Did the wod from yesterday.
Subbed 115# squat cleans for 135#
Abmat situps for the GHD situps


Had an agreement with Tessa that we'd do half of our situps on the GHD. After about 23 on the first round my back started getting that "pinched" feeling as Dave describes it, so I just stayed with abmat situps after that. Tessa made me disgusted with myself when she was able to stick with the original plan. So irregardless of what the times say she completely and totally smoked my butt! Strong work Tessa!
Squat Cleans,,,, not a good day for me. Not used to doing as many heavy days as I have the last couple weeks so my back was feeling a little fatigued from the start. I know, I know boo hoo! :)Luckily/unluckily I had Dave, Steve and Tills there who were trying to keep me honest on my form. I say trying cuz I was struggling and getting FRUSTRATED so they had an uphill battle! Needless to say, if I'd had a rusty butter knife or even a semi jagged rock and thought I could get all three of them without one getting away, (didn't want any survivors), I would have slit their throats. Last rep I was trying my guts out to catch the load in a full depth squat rather than partial (So Steve would shut up!;) ) and cranked my chin into the bar. I tend to have a bit of a potty mouth, particularly when angry, but really try to keep it PG-13 rated at the gym out of respect for everybody else. Well,,, I'm pretty sure I popped off with a couple of shall we say "real beauties". So my apologies to everybody within hearing range of my frustration fueled vocabulary. While I wasn't feeling warm and fuzzy at the time a big thanks to Dave, Steve and Tills. I got a lot of good input that will only benefit me in the long run. You guys are ok in my book. Tills- I'll look for you on Facebook. :)
Mandy did awesome on her WOD! I could tell she was hurting bad but she didn't stop. I was really proud of her. The 2K row is a bugger. As Nat would say, Mandy is a BACF!
Well that's it for this novel. Gotta love the Viking Blog. Need to get everybody posting on here and checking it out. They don't realize what they are missing.

Tessa and Jeff said...

As Will said, we both did the WOD from yesterday.
I did...
85# Squat Cleans 10
25 GHD situps, 25 abmat situps
85# Squat Cleans 8
20 GHD situps, 20 abmat situps
85# Squat Cleans 6
15 GHD situps, 15 abmat situps
85# Squat Cleans 4
10 GHD situps, 10 abmat situps
85# Squat Cleans 2
5 GHD situps, 5 abmat situps
Time: 17:50
So, I swear my times get worse and worse, but whatever... it's been a tough week. (isn't every week?) I was pretty excited about doing the 85# - Thanks Dave... he kind of made me:) Will did awesome too, regardless of what he says. I was debating at the beginning whether to do all GHD situps... but by the end I'm glad I only did half and half. My abs will be feeling it tomorrow - but that's what I want, so it's ok:) Mandy kicked but today too! You rock girl. I'm excited for the swimming class on Monday:)
So, for those of you who haven't seen them, the hoodies are awesome. I'm pretty excited about them. I also got an army green shirt.. I'll be sportin my CF apparell!!! Like Will said, we need more people to post, it's so awesome to hear frustrations, PR's, and everything like that... so let's get goin!! You're missin out:)

Viking CrossFit said...

I agree...EVERYONE start posting!!! We want your feedback...good and bad. We trainers are continuing to learn and grow so feedback helps!
(Will and I are the AllisonNYC's of the Viking CF blog, with our multiple posts per day...hehe) Love it.

Ok- Tessa, I am so impressed you did 85#. That is so cool! You're strong girl and continue to amaze us. Summer games baby...think about it. :)
Will- didn't that wod just suck for us that really hate heavy days? That wod kicked my butt. Be so grateful you had trainers there to watch, it makes all the difference in getting that heavy weight up. Form is everything and you can't see yourself, and can't tell what you are doing wrong. Nice job! And we all know how you feel with the frustration, etc. (Maybe not to the point of wanting to slit someones throat...yikes!)

Nice work everyone! Remember the swim class next Monday night at 6pm at Orem Rec. Good stuff.

Viking CrossFit said...

P.S. Nice job to you to Mandy! I've got to come teach a night class so I can see you!

Anonymous said...

We are much prettier than AllisonNYC! Don't worry I wouldn't really have slit their throats,,,, now sitting on their shoulders like a rabid spider monkey and gnawing off an ear would have been a very real possibility. ;)

Viking CrossFit said...

Btw-what happened with Bar Appreciation?????
Nice job today Jason on CINDY!!!

Anonymous said...

We postponed Bar Appreciation WOD for a day when more people could participate. Mandy wanted to get some numbers for the 2k row on the board and Tessa didn't have much time. I didn't want to do it by myself so we decided (Dave and I) to wait until we had a bigger group of willing participants.
Man, third post of the day. I end up checking here every time I get on the computer. I need a life!

Anonymous said...

lol What a funny Blog today! Yes Nat you need to come to a night class. Although I have had the last 3 days off so I have been able to come in the morning. Looking forward to the swim Monday! Swimming is my favorite thing. Okay, so Thursday I looked at the board and decided I wanted to pass somee things off. So I decided to do the 2k. Oh boy, it was a good thing Steve was there cheering me on. That is harder then it looks. uggghhhh! A few times I thought I was going to give up. Plus I was trying to learn it and I was not getting it. I want to do it again in a couple of weeks to see if I can do better. Time:10:33 Will and Tessa did great also! Like always they kicked butt! Looking forward to Monday! :)

J Tills said...

I'd just like to say that Will did awsome t'day! He powered through w/ tons of "passion". maybe thats why he is sooo popular in Facebook!!!!
After Will agreed to leave us..throats intact, I did the WOD:
135# sq clean x 10
20 GHD sit up + 30 situps
135# sq clean x 8
20 GHD sit up = 20 situps
135# sq clean x 6
30 sit ups (lower back feelin da pinch)
135# sq clean x 4
20 sit ups
135# sq clean x 2
10 sit ups
Time: 17:59
Big thanx to Steve for pushin' me on! It always helps when there is someone edging me on.
Sounds like a lot of good work got done t'day!

Anonymous said...

Great work everyone, Viking seems to be growing. Love to see that. Hey guys, someone call Kelly Moore and tell her you want to host a Barbell Cert! They're tons of fun and you'll all see those weights increase by leaps and bounds:)

Keep up the great work, I'm loving the great posts!

Viking CrossFit said...

I would love to host a barbell cert! I don't think we have enough square footage. We only have 1200 square feet. That would be soo cool though. Do you know what the requirements are?


Anonymous said...

I don't know what the requirements are, but I'll find out. Basically you need enough space to fit in 5-7 platforms.

Will talk to Rip and get back to you guys. It's tons of fun and I don't know how it works but I think you guys get a % of the fee's.
Stay tuned:)
Sq: 3x5@150#
Pr: 3x5@85#
Snatch work, was tough today. Kept weight at 85# and worked at getting under the bar. COMMIT! That's the key to this lift, ughhh, sometimes I chickened out.

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