Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
-Run 400 meters
-Max rep pull-ups
Players from the Viking Crossfit Soccer team.
It's not to late to sign up and play. We are having a blast!
Come get some!
It's not to late to sign up and play. We are having a blast!
Come get some!
MUST WATCH....Viking Crossfit Clients ELFYOURSELF...
(Make sure to mute the blog music.)
Hahahaha-I can't stop laughing at the video of you all. Apparently, Crossfitters are also good dancers!
If you were not one of the elves, just wait...no one is safe. :)
Natalie- LOL That was hilarious. All of us here in the Mackintosh house watched it a few times. Thanks for laughs.
Tessa- sounds like you got yourself a nasty little cold going there. Hope you get to feeling better.
Tills- i don't even want to know what Tessa meant with the whole pregnancy band thing in her comment yesterday.
That was pretty hilarious! What kind of face am I pulling? Will and Mandy's faces were my favorite! Ha ha ha ha ha LOL! I'm still laughing...
Will - thanks dude, I hope I get feeling better too... so I can kick your trash! :)
Love the soccer pic!
Couldn't wait to see what you guys thought of the video..Will, Mandy and Kaleb are all doing Med ball cleans when their photos were taken. Tessa was rowing, and Blake was resting after a wod and happened to look at the camera. :)
oh my heck! How funny?!?! Last year I did that to everyone at my work. That made my day to see that. And Natalie your soccer pic turned out better then mine. I am going to take my fancy camera next week and see if I can get some sweet action ones.
I was debating on whether to go in to the gym tonight, and talked myself into going (after talking to Mandy and Will:) I'm still not feeling so hot, with the hacky cough/runny nose and all! So, not wanting to do mean 'ol "nicole" Jason decided it'd be a good idea for me to do max pull ups. So...
Max Pull ups
Total: 23
Pretty sure I should have toughed out the pinchy palm feeling and gotten a few more, but that just makes my next max pull up a little easier to beat, right?
Mandy did great on workin on her pull up... got her first battle wound:)
Will, Justin, and Brooke did awesome on "Nicole"! Nice work guys!
Jared, it's good to see you again!
LAstly, Jason did 10 MU in a row w/o touching the ground!?! Jason, you seriously are such an inspiration to me! You rock!
Oh, and if anyone wants to do a class tomorrow night, I'm in! Just let me know what time if any of you can do it!
Nicole today but I didn't write down my reps so I'm just going off of memory here.
Did 5 full rounds I think and a 400m run. Pull ups were something along the lines of
31 (remember this one)
Can't remember the other one so it might have only been four rounds. Either way my grip is shot. Runs felt pretty good over all. Thanks to Mandy and Tessa their yelling at me definitely helped me pull out a few more pull ups.
Tessa- strong work on the max pull ups. Hurry and get better so I can put the smackdown on your candy @$&! The way Mandy keeps getting stronger I'm gonna have to start worrying about her smacking me around pretty soon.
Just read Tessa's post and realized I forgot a couple things. First Jason's ten MU's was awesome. Strong show of strength my man!
And it's good to see you again Jared don't be a stranger.
I'm in for a wod tomorrow night also, pretty sure Mandy is too.
Last but not surely not least, Brooke pointed out a pretty important fact tonight. Justin is HOT!
Sounds like a fun night tonight! Nice job all of you! 23 max pull ups Tessa? So cool! There is a 6pm class now tomorrow night due to popular demand! See you then...
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