8:00 PM

Saturday 11/15/08


"Fight Gone Bad!"

Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, (Reps)
Row (Calories)

If you have never done Fight Gone Bad come in
and we will explain how it works....it is fun!

You all might look like Brooke after you finish this wod!

This wod is a lot more fun with a lot of people so I hope we
have a good turnout today. This is a great wod you can
do even if you are new. See you at the gym today!!!!!

Strange how people who suffer together have stronger connections
than those who are most content. –Bob Dylan

Here is a great video of Fight Gone Bad done at Jeannies Beach Crossfit.
I have posted this one before, it's a good one...


Anonymous said...

I am missing Viking! Only made it to the box for one wod this week. Been on the solo plan due to scheduling. (lol, due to scheduling, that makes me sound like somebody important like a doctor) Bummed I'm gonna miss this one. I love FGB. Even more bummed that I have to teach the SLC recruits Haz-Mat next week for three days. I love teaching but it means I won't get into the gym until Thursday if I'm lucky and that really bums me out. That means grinding out the wods by myself. I know I know the trainers do it all the time so I'm probably in the wrong spot for sympathy. :)
Hope everybody takes a big drink of the Kool-aid and has fun with FGB tomorrow!

Viking CrossFit said...

I am stuck at work today too, so I don't get to put you all through my favorite wod, FGB today. Hope you all have fun. Will- at least you can do a wod at work. I don't think the Neonatologist here would like it if he came into the NICU and I was doing some push presses with the IV poles, and box jumps on the counters. :) Although Steve is at work today too and he says he found a place in the stairwell to do pull ups...hmmm

Post your scores everyone, I want to see how you all did and how you liked FGB.

Anonymous said...

Push presses with the IV poles, That mental pic brought a smile to my face.

Viking CrossFit said...

I did 95 #hang power cleans 15X and 400 meter run on the treadmill(too much of a wimp to run in the cold). 9:57. I really liked this one it was fast.

The soccer game was awesome. We only had 6 people show up so we were running a ton. I haven't played in any sport competatively in a long time. It really was a bast.

Thanks to Travis, Tessa, Jenny, Kaleb, Dave. I was impressed with everyone's skills. We need more people though. So if you have any interest at all come out. I promise you will have a good time.


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