8:00 PM

Monday 12/22/08


Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
Your choice of three of the following movements...

Run 400 meters or400 meter row
15 L-Pull-ups or Ring rows
15 Hip Extensions or Abmat sit-ups

What do you think these guys are thinking?
And who is that GQ looking guy on the left? Is he even
on our team? That's no short bus picture!

Viking Crossfit Soccer Team
(Sorry, not the best picture...still figuring out the new camera.)


Viking CrossFit said...

This is what I think...
Kevin..."I am having sooo much fun"
Cody..."I'm just happy to be here"
Sergio... (looking at Will)"What a ham"
Will.."How DID I get so Studly?"

Tessa and Jeff said...

What a group! LOL, I thought I'd be the first to post on this day... wow "Dangle" on the short shorts comment... I guess your nickname could have a few conotations (sp.?) but let's not go there! :)LOL
Loved the game yesterday even though we lost! We have a blast I think with all the blue/yellow/red cards... haha, I agree with Natalie, I think we intimidate the refs to much:) No fair.
You guys are all great, and not too get too sappy, but I really have loved getting to know all of you! Crossfit rocks and I'm stoked for what the future holds... what a great crossfit family:)
Ok, bring it... I'm coming to the gym in the AM, so we'll see if I've got anything left!

Tessa and Jeff said...

Dang, it takes me too long to post... guess I wasn't the first! LOL

Anonymous said...

That is such a funny picture! hahaha, I think I was looking at the score board thinking, just wait till next game, our number will be higher then the other teams :)

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with Tessa's warm fuzzy post, you all are amazing!

Anonymous said...

Natalie- I LOVE YOU! :) ;)

Anonymous said...

A lot of love in these posts tonight. Good soccer pics Gnat. I'm on duty the next two days, so maybe I'll see some of you at the gym in the mornings.

I believe I was thinking "Man who plays soccer anyway"

Anonymous said...

Tessa I will be there in the morning also. With or with out my hat. Depends on how long it takes me to fall asleep tonight. lol (9:30am)
I so look forward to working out so I can see everyone and laugh. Oh and work out! lol I agree with everyone I workout with the best people ever and also look forward to the future. You guys all rock and thanks for making this a great experience for me. I love posting all the pictures on my my space and facebook and showing off what we do.
Speaking of Facebook. Cody lets talk caramel. lol
See everyone in the AM. Oh and great pic of the guys lol

Anonymous said...

Speaking of my space ya'll should add me. Find me with my email, kevinfreemont@hotmail.com I will be at the 1800hrs Class :)

Anonymous said...

WoW another classic crossfit work out. Looks easy on paper, but it really kicks your ace!

Justin Williams said...

man today I tried to do the same wod from my rec center here in Colorado. This really is one of those wods that is a lot harder than thought. hope all is well in Utah! Miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

Went to the AM class this morning with Tessa, Blake, and Phil! It was alot of fun and wiped me out. Dave made me do
400 m run on tred mill
15 Jumping pull ups
15 knees to elbows
15 situps
I completed 3 rounds in the 20 minutes. Still not sure why he added more on mine. Thanks Dave!lol I guess he wanted to see me puke. Did not puke but came close. I am not going to make any promises about coming in tomorrow. In the am is when I am getting that neurological testing done for my arm. Not sure the whole process or what they are doing so I thought I would play tomorrow by ear. If I dont see anyone tomorrow "Happy Workout"! You guys rock!!

Viking CrossFit said...

Hey great job on your wods everyone. Thanks for checking in with us Justin, we miss you guys too! Are you back after Christmas?

Good luck Mandy tomorrow!
Hope to see some of you tomorrow.

Tessa and Jeff said...

Well, lucky me, I'm at work again tonight. Went to the AM class today like Mandy said with Phil and Blake. This WOD kicked my behind!
AMRAP in 20
400 M Row
15 L pull ups (hated these:)
15 GHD situps
Total: 4 rounds
Well, this was a sucker... the L pull ups took it out of me, and really, I didn't think this would be such a leg one, but hello, what was I thinking... row, a little jump for the pull ups and then GHD situps???? Definitely feelin it in my legs. Everyone else did great this AM! The snow was insane by the way, it took me almost 45 minutes to get home! (normally takes me like 15 min). WOW!
Anyhow, I'll try and come to a WOD tomorrow afternoon after I sleep a little... hoping to get called off work cause I'm supposed to work again tomorrow night... we'll see :0
Will, I'm waitin for your post... anxious to see how you did tonight!
Ta ta for now!

Anonymous said...

Tessa- Couldn't get the wod done today had something come up I had to take care of. Gonna hit it tomorrow. Why the GHD situps? I thought it was supposed to be hip extensions.
I probably wont be able to get full ROM hip extensions or even sub GHD sitpus since we don't have a GHD set-up at the station. So I'll have to give you the win on this one. But I'll let you know what I got either way.

Anonymous said...

Came back yesterday for some more punishment after Saturday's fun team WOD. Don't feel bad Mandy Dave made me do extra to.

400m Row
15 Jump Pullup
15 Knees to Elbow
15 Situps
3 rounds for time. Lucky me he forget it was AMRAP in 20min, lol.

Finished in 15:32

I am really enjoying coming to Viking,it was the environment i was looking for in order to do Crossfit properly. I will be back on Saturday and i am bringing some buddies to abuse. After the first of the year i will be over at Viking fulltime working out, hopefully Darrell will as well.

thanks for the abuse, see ya Saturday.


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