9:00 PM

Friday 01/30/09




Anonymous said...

This pic is sooooo ZEN...Tessa, looks like she has become one w/ the bar in this front squat. Her amazing awesomeness is crushing...I'm not worthy!!

Anonymous said...

For a second there I thought I was on the main C
rossfit sight, your awesome Tessa :)

J Tills said...

T'day @ SSFD did the Nicole:
20 min AMRAP of:
400m run
Max rep pull ups
The pullups were more of a strict, due to location of pullup bar used.
I was happy to be able to run 8.5 -9.0 on the treadmill.
Da nitty gritty ended up being:
6 rounds w/ 50 sec left couldn't finish last 400m before time.
pullups: 13/10/9/8/8/9

Anonymous said...

Nicole today:

Amrap 20 min
400m run
Max Rep Pull Ups

6 Rounds: 31/18/17/13/13/14 106 pull ups

Treadmill not working, so slip slidin in the VCF parking lot. Got some 'agility training' too! Hooah!

Anonymous said...

LOL, thanks for the nice comments on the pic all! :) Call me lazy, but I decided to take another rest day today. I am WAY sore from the last couple days and decided I deserved a rest :) I'll be in tomorrow AM for the group WOD though! Hope everyone has a great day! Tills, we'll be excited to have you there in the morning if you're still coming :) Haven't seen ya since you came to the soccer game eons ago! Holy pullups on "Nicole" Steve! Nice work:)

Darrell said...

1RM thruster 205#! PR!
Thanks to all you trainers who encouraged me to test myself. Would have never tried it on my own.

Katie C said...

Remember everyone that the class is at 9:00am Saturday not 9:30am. Sorry for the inconvenience!
-Katie (the never-before-seen wife of Dave)

Anonymous said...

Im loving the new blog! Hope you all like it..it's almost done. :)
30 Hip extensions
25 GHD sit-ups
The world was spinning for 20 minutes after. The GHD sit ups just mess me up. I still haven't fully recovered! Phew. Hope to see you in the am if I can find a way to get there and to my boys basketball game!

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