9:02 PM

Saturday 3/28/09



"One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team." -Kareem Abdul-Jabbor

Good luck Robbie on your 50 mile race this weekend!!!!!!!!!!


Viking CrossFit said...

haha...I know what Blake is cracking up about :)

Jason said...

Does anyone else have really sore legs right now or is it just me.

Anonymous said...


What a stupid picture!!! If I were Blake I would never be seen in the Gym again!!!! I did hear that Blake did Karen yesterday in 9:03. This was his first time doing the work out and he is now really, really, really sore.

Natalie said...

Anonymous- why would Blake not like that picture??? It's a great pic of Blake and Phill!!!

Ok- all this talk of really sore legs make me really jealous I haven't been able to do "Karen" yet. I can't wait to do it next week. I've been busy with work at the hospital, Little League, and finishing our basement. I rather have sore legs.

I want to hear about this mornings wod! What did you all do and who was there?????

Anonymous said...

Well NAT, first of all it looks like Blake is taking a sh*!, and second he looks really fat in that picture. Phill looks like he is in pain, but at least he is not front and center in the picture.

Tessa said...

MY LEGS ARE SOOOOO SOOOOOORE!!! Jason you definitely aren't the only one. I can't even sit or stand without bracing myself! Yeah, Nat if I were you I would rather have sore legs too! LOL. I don't know if I'd be "excited" to do "Karen" next week though :) See ya'll Monday mornin!

Jason said...

Well Blake/Anonymous if I looked that happy taking a sh*! I would do it three times a day.

Anonymous said...

Yes my legs hurt...but what is the deal with my damn arms! Still can't fully extend them....IT'S ALMOST BEEN A WEEK SINCE I DID RING ROWS! I must be in worse shape than I thought.


Will "I'm kind of a big deal" Mackintosh ;) said...

Had planned to do Karen at the station today but things changed a little. We went and picked up a couple tires today. Figured they were about 200# each. Naturally we went out and played with them for awhile, one thing led to another and the next thing I know I get challenged to do 150 tire flips in less than 30 minutes with payment of ice cream on the line.
Time of 29:27. My shoulders and chest are rubbed raw and I KNOW my whole body is going to be dying tomorrow. Muscles I didn't know I had are already tightening up. We weighed the tires afterwards and it ends up they are 320#. Guess that would explain my exhaustion, the puking at rep 114 and the dizziness by the end. Hoping the tree I puked next to will get the nutrients I didn't use. I think I'd take Karen over this one anyday. Don't know what you guys are crying about. :) :)

Will said...

By the way who is the cute little chubby cheeked kid in the red hoodie in the pic?

Natalie said...

Will- are you crazy? What kind of stupid wod was that? lol j/k. Good job!!! We need to do a tire wod soon at our gym. Oh, and your comment about the pic made me laugh...(just a little bit Blake);)

Sarah- you're arms are still sore because you're Superwoman! We can't hold you back girl! Remember..you're pregnant???? You're recovery may differ than when you're not pregnant, that's why we are TRYING to have you take it easy. ;) And..150 wall balls....you're amazing!

Mandy said...

Will you did great! I am so excited for you.

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