9:00 PM

Friday 3/27/09



For time:
150 Wallball shots

This is a benchmark wod everyone. Come get some.

There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permit. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results. -Art Turock


Anonymous said...

Couple of BA's there. I remember that wod. Don't remember the name but 400m run, wall balls and box jumps. 3 or 5 rounds I think. It was brutal

Anonymous said...

Will- you two are doing "Kelly". I remember I did it right after you guys. She sucks. That one smoked me. But "Karen" is a good one!!!!

Hey, where has Brooke, Justin, Kevin, and Brett been? (Sarah, I know you've been busy girl) :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we are BA's aren't we Will? LOL... I too remember that WOD, getting my TRASH kicked is about all I remember... running, wall balls, and box jumps... MEAN! 150 Wall balls? Here we go...

Anonymous said...

I did Karen today with Phill. Tessa, Alissa, Mom, Cynthia, did it before Phill and I. Sarah did it after.

Before the workout I was just angry. I knew it was going to be hard and I was going to be on the floor afterward. There is no rest no walking to a different part of the gym to start something else. You are there and you have to finish. I was on the ground after, but I was so glad I did it. My quads are hammered. Everyone did really well. They all pushed their limits.

I haven't seen Kevin, Brooke, Justin, and Brett for a while. Come back today it will be a great WOD to do.

Tessa said...

Yeah, wall balls ARE NOT my friend. My hams and back were already killing from the DL/MU WOD so I was nervous about doing this one! I didn't think I'd ever done "Karen" but it turns out that I did it a long time ago with a 10# ball and got like 13 minutes something... today I did it as RX and got 7:52 :) Pretty crazy how your legs just go numb after 25... let me tell you, after I finished, my legs were cramping SOOOO bad I couldn't even walk! It was CRAZY! Now that I've cooled down quite a bit... I can't even bend my legs without wincing! Jeeze, I love Crossfit! My sister said, "that's cool that you still get sore even though you've been coming for as long as you have." Then I went off on my whole I love Crossfit speal... and why it's so much better than everything else! LOL.
Everyone did awesome this AM; Us girls actually outnumbered the guys this morning!?! I'm so glad my sis is coming!! She's gonna kick butt!
Well, after 5 days on... I think tomorrow and Sunday are going to be rest days for me! See ya'll Monday!

Anonymous said...

Loved getting back into the gym today!! It was great seeing everyone and getting a killer workout. Thanks Cody (if I got your name wrong, blame it on the pregnancy:) But, thanks for letting me push myself to 150! See ya'll on the flipside.


BTW...I challenge Cynthia and Jason's mom to do the 5k in the summer! Be there or be square...;)

Viking CrossFit said...

Hey I heard Sergio did awesome this am on "Karen" too! Way to go Sergio...you've come a long way!

Cody said...

Great job on the Wall Balls of pain today. Its great to see all of the new faces in the gym after my couple of weeks off. And of course, all of the regulars too. Its a lot of fun to have people in the gym cheering each other on and pushing each other through the WOD. Blake came in tonight and had to do the WOD all by himself. I guess the night crew was saving up for saturday morning WOD hopefully.

Great job guys.

Viking CrossFit said...

How did you do Blake??? Have you done this wod before? It's been a while since we've done it.

Viking CrossFit said...

Whoo hoo! Cody posted! :)

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