9:01 PM

Thursday 5/28/09



~All workout's are scaled to individual's skill level~

Rest days are just as important as your workout days. There are many ways to schedule your workout days....3 days on 1 day off, 2 on 1 off, etc. But make sure to take a rest day in your week. Read this article on Coach Glassman's (founder of Crossfit) spin on recovery.


Anonymous said...

WOW thats a really awsome pic of Blake!!!!

Viking CrossFit said...

That IS an awesome pic of Blake! I like the breakdancing one better though.

Kev said...

One day I to will be a big dog.

Rockey said...

You have to post deadlifts on my rest day. CURSE YOU CROSSFIT! Maybe i will just come in tomorrow night or do this friday morning. Deadlifts are my favorite wod. :D

Natalie said...

Sorry Rockey! I have a feeling you're going to do this wod anyway. :)

Kev...whatchu' talkin' about?..you ARE a big dog!

Mandy :) said...

I agree with Rockey I LOVE DEADLIFTS!! What's the weight going to be???

Jason said...

Mandy there is no prescribed weight. Pick a weight that will allow you to keep intensity high. Try and finish this WOD within 5 to 10 minutes. No resting just go.

Mandy :) said...

Okay sweet! Thanks!!!!

Viking CrossFit said...

I love how Des and Mandy are talking in the background of this picture. hehe.

Dead Arms Mandy said...

You know I thought the same thing about us in the back ground. Typical woman!! Wonder what we were talking about? woo ahh ahhh ahh. lol
Did todays WOD. I loved it! My arms are done. I started out on my pull ups with the green band and ended up doing jumping. It was like they would not lift me anymore. They were burning and completely dead. I did the dead lifts at 135#. Any way my time was 5:41. Is that good enough Jason? There were some killer times on the board to. Will, Kevin, Lyndsey, Mel, and I all went at the same time. It was soooo cool to see it. We rocked it! I have to say I kept watching Will to keep up with him.(of course can't do the pull ups like he was doing) He was just flying through it like it was nothing. I am going to be like that one day. lol Hope everyone had fun with this WOD like I did. I am looking forward to break tomorrow(that is if its a WOD I don't want to do ;) j/k) Saturdays will be fun and then some of us will be going to a big breakfast at the Pleasant Grove fire station. If you are not able to get tickets before you can get them that day Cody said. There is just a line. So come on everyone lets go support Codys station. Woop! Woop! Brooke, it was nice to see you tonight. You have a blast!!

Natalie said...

Mandy, I can always count on you to post, you're the best. 135# wow! You rock girl! Can't wait to try this one tomorrow. I won't be quite the superstar as you Mandy, deadlifts always aggravate my old back injury so I will be going lighter. Glad everyone had fun tonight. Let's see some more posting and times. I want to know what everyone thought about this wod.

Anonymous said...

Blake you are IRONMAN!! Rock on Brotha!

Hope to be in the gym on saturday!!


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