8:57 PM

Friday 6/26/09


REST DAY except for...

0600 class
1030 Women's class

Today is the last day of our Women's Jump start class. The class was a huge success and our women not only made great progress but had a lot of fun. Great job ladies! We hope to see you in July too! We will continue a women's class throughout July, watch the schedule for times. Women may come to any class posted not just the women's class. A big Hoo RAH for the women!


Jennifer said...

OH snap, what is Erick going to make us do?

Jennifer said...

Well, I was hoping that we wouldn't have to do yesterday's wod, I was actually kind of relieved until I came in this morning and did it! 35 lbs thrusters, did it in 13:54, not bad. Cammy and Marty rocked ir this morning!

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