8:34 PM

Monday 9/7/09


**0830 and 0930 class only today**

Crossfit Housewives:
5 Rounds

10 Overhead squats

10 Pull-ups

~All workouts are scaled to each individual's skill level~

(She obviously Crossfits)

A must see video........CrossFit Housewives...[wmv]


Natalie said...

I love this video of these strong women! It is so inspiring. It was one of the first videos I watched when I was introduced to Crossfit and when I saw all these older amazing-looking women doing these Overhead Squats and pull-ups I said "I want to do that!" I've been Crossfitting ever since. :)

Jason said...

We had some great classes to day. Hope everyone is feeling good after the WOD. I did the WOD with Natalie after everyone left. I didn't want to because we were up all night last night at work. She made me do it anyway.

95# overhead squats
dead hang strict pull-ups

can't remember the time. Arms so tired now want to curl up in a ball and sleep.

Crossfit housewives are the hottest by far! Especially mine.

Jill said...

I want to do those pull-ups SOOOOO bad! I'm gonna do it!

Mandy :) said...

Okay so Will and I ended up doing this WOD before the bar-b-q. Bad choice... I now see Jason why you just wanted to curl up and fall asleep. They kept asking if I was okay. I was just out of it from the workout lol. Anyway I did a 45# OHS. Since we don't have a pull up bar I had to use rings for the pull ups. Time 7:29. It felt like it took 20 minutes lol. Hope everyone had a great Labor Day. See ya tomorrow.

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