Squat cleans
Box jumps
~All workouts are scaled for each individual~
for me.
for fun.
for health.
for the competition.
for solidarity.
for my body.
for a better life.
for clarity.
for my family.
Why do you CrossFit?
for flexibility.
for energy.
for health.
for friends.
for strength.
...and to look dang good just like Natalie... LOL
It feels so good to see progress. To see yourself doing something you couldn't do 2 or 3 weeks ago. I am stronger and more fit -- I can see it and feel it. It's a good feeling; a great sense of accomplishment.
WOD for tomorrow is:
squat cleans
box jumps
I love your comments Monica and Clark! I want to see more comments on why YOU Crossfit.
P.S. Thanks Moncia...you're sweet. :)
Kevin...how is your Zone eating going? :) And when was your birthday?????? Sorry it didn't get posted on the blog!
Natalie, Kevin keeps his bday a secret. Even on facebook. lol He is afraid someone wants to be him. ;) jk (have to give you hard time Kev)
I just realized I am posting on the next day post. So I will post twice on this today.
Today(Tuesday)I did the WOD as RX. I have to say I am pretty happy with my time. 12:44. And the fact I was able to kind of keep up with Dez. She is amazing and just rocks the runs. And Go James!! He did it in 9 minutes and something as RX. He has really impressed a lot of us in the evening class to come into crossfit and pretty much do everything as RX. Kevin, Sabrina, and Mel also pushed through it really fast. What a great night!
The things I like about Crossfit..... (see my testimony at the top tab. hee hee :)
What's not to love about it.
I did today's at the station I had to do my box jumps on the engine. It just isn't the same as it is at the gym. It was really tough though. I used 95#. I didn't keep time it was about 15 minutes.
I do Crossfit so I am ready when a brother firefighter goes down. I do Crossfit to be able to help my family in case of an emergency. I do Crossfit because I am in the best shape of my life and I am 39 years old.
Great workout again today. I did 35 pounds squats cleans. My legs were burning it was great. I finished in 12 mins. Great job everyone in the morning class. It has really been so fun. And we have been getting more females keep them coming. I crossfit, because I like to feel strong, I like the friendships, I love the trainer(Erick), and it gives me confidence.
Ummm....Jason, aren't you 38 years old?
Great job Cami! It's fun to have your hubby be your trainer :) The 0600 class is rockin! Paula it's so good to see your name on the board, and welcome Julie.
Ok, Jill, Lori, Angie, Matt and the rest of you...I know you're reading this so why are you not posting????
oh yea, 38.
LoL Jason forgot how old he is :) That was an awesome class, I love Oly lifts! That was such a killer though!
Todays WOD was killer. I felt like I could never catch my breath and thighs were burning oh so good. Time 14:25. Did 45# Squat cleans and full box jumps. There were soooo many people there tonight. woot woot!
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