Group wod at 1000 am

HAPPY 2010! It's time to set some goals. We would like you all to email us three goals you would like to achieve in 2010. Please also write them in your red folder at the gym. There is a space for your goals at the bottom of the first page. Your goals should be something specific with a time frame of when you would like to complete them.
Make sure to write them down and share them with someone. Having concrete written goals will help you in achieving them and by sharing them you can feed off the support provided by your peers. Choose at least three, focus your efforts on improving and MAKE IT HAPPEN! Don't forget to email them to us at

I would like to do a muscle-up by March 1, 2010.
I would like to run a 5k and a 10k by the end of August.
I would like to lose 10 pounds by February and 10 more pounds by April.
I would like to deadlift 200 lb by July.

"I feel that the most important step in any major accomplishment is setting a specific goal. This enables you to keep your mind focused on your goal and off the many obstacles that will arise when you're striving to do your best." -Kurt Thomas


Natalie said...

Hey "T" aka(Taryn) :) I loved your comment on your own blog yesterday! I clicked on your "T" under the comments yesterday on our blog and I loved your blog about how you are already seeing and feeling results from your Crossfit workouts.....AWESOME! Everyone check it out. (Click on her name "T" on yesterdays comments)

My wod today.....For time: AMRAP in 3 hours: (as many rides as possible) up to the top of Sundance and snowboard back down as fast as you can. Rounds 5. (It was sooooo cold today!)

Lot's of good stuff happening this year at the gym!

DaveS said...


Here's the workout from my buddy:

Count——Exercise——————Time Est
120——High Knees —————3
25——Squats —————1
10—— Pull Ups————— 0.5
25—— Push Ups ————— 1
10——Squat Jumps —————0.5
100—— 1 foot tic-tac-toes —————— 4
50—— criss-cross crunches —————1.5
30——Lunge Jumps —————1
10——Pull Ups —————0.5
25——Push Ups ————— 1
15——Leg Curls - physio-ball ————— 0.5
30——skater jumps ————— 1.5
50——Mountain Climbers (fast) —————2
20——Dips —————0.5
15——Mountain Climbers (slow) —————1
xx—Overhead Weight hold (60 seconds - 45lbs)——1

——530 reps between all the different exercises.——

My friend showed me what he meant by the:
*High Knees
*Single foot Tic-Tac-Toes
*Criss-cross crunches (12 lb medicine ball)
*Lunge Jumps
*Leg Curls - on a physio-ball
*Skater jumps
*Mountain Climbers (fast) and (slow)

I looked through this list and estimated it to be about 20 minutes to go through this mash up of exercises. My friend said it took him over 45 minutes.

So about 10:30pm 12/31/09 I decided to just kick this out as I was having trouble staying awake. I finished in 22:38. I think I could do this again and get it in the 15 or 16 minutes range if I put shoes.

Jason said...

That is so sweet. It would be cool if your friend could see the difference. Maybe what you should do next is have him do Fran, and then you can compare times. If he finishes that is.

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