9:00 PM

Friday 1/22/10


(No 0730 or 6 pm class today)


1000 m row
50 Thrusters 45#
30 Pull ups

~All workouts are scaled to each individual's skill level~

Nice split jerk Corey!

Next Saturday Olympic Gold medalist Erin Cafaro will be teaching a one day rowing certification at Wasatch Crossfit. We heard it was a great cert. If you're interested in taking your rowing technique to the next level and learning from the best, sign up today! Here's the link to sign up at Crossfit.com...Rowing Cert.

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
Thomas Jefferson


Jenn said...

As much as I'd like to do this wod, I need to take a rest day. My hands are shot from today doing pull ups! And, I think my dog wants to sleep in so that means I should sleep in, too... :)

Melanie said...

I just had a yummy turkey wrap on a tomato tortilla and it was all zone. It was nice to find something different to eat instead of my same thing I always have.
It was 1 tortilla- 2 blocks, 1 tsp of cream cheese spread on it and 10 olives for my 3 block of fat, turkey and cheese for my 3 blocks of protein, and then shredded lettuce and pickles for my last block of carbs.
I won't be making it into the gym today either. I'm going to go out and do something fun with my hubby for our anniversary. So I will have to do Jackie another day.

DaveS said...

I don't know that I really enjoyed the 95lb thrusters. I needed about 10 minutes to be safe to drive after this workout.

I think it was the perfect way to start my Friday though.

DaveS said...

You know you do too much CF when your pain scale has names instead of numbers.
Jackie - can't move and feel like I'll throw up
Fran - can move but really don't want to
Diane - I hurt a whole lot

Mandy :) said...

This was one of those work outs that I wish I just would have stayed home. lol I gave up..... finished, but gave up. I let it mentally get to me. And it did not help that I was eating lunch on the way to the gym. Thought I was gonna meet pukey for sure. Hate myself for giving up. lol Did better the last time I did it. Okay I am done whining lol I am gonna have to do this again in a couple of weeks so I will feel better. :)

Mandy :) said...

P.S. Steve is really good to see you.

Ben said...

:( I totally cheated on food today. It was my Father in law's birthday. I had a buttload of chinese food and cake and ice cream. I'll be crying myself to sleep tonight.

Good workout today.

Jason said...

Hey, Jackie is a great WOD I really love it. I heard a few people today say their times dropped some. That is totally understandable you aren't always going to get a PR. Don't get disappointed. Maybe some have increased strength and lost speed. What does that mean? It means to me that if you have a weakness work on it. Lets say you are very strong but you run out of gas on a WOD like today. I would recommend not always trying to up your weight on a WOD and increasing your speed. Maybe you are just the opposite and you are really fast but your weights are really low. Start increasing some of your weights.

Some WODs are used by us to increase speed and explosiveness. The goal with today's WOD would be to get through it without taking a break. No one did that but that is the goal. 50 thrusters straight without stopping that would be awesome to see.

Find that one thing that you want to improve on for some of you its pull-ups and for some its muscle-ups. Work diligently on those things but don't expect that they are going to come in a couple of weeks. It took me at least four months of work before I got my first muscle-up and even after that I couldn't do the 30 muscle-up WOD for a few months. Then when I finally did 30 muscle-ups for time it was like 40 minutes. That WOD takes me around 6 minutes now.

By this summer I predict that whatever you are working on you will be doing multiples of. So be persistent. I really enjoyed the effort that everyone put in today. It is really fun to train with all of you thanks again for coming to our gym.

If you are running on the side remember that is for sport in other words you are training for a specific thing like a 5 k. You don't need to run to supplement Crossfit. If you did today's WOD you know that was like sprinting for 8 to 15 minutes. It will give you the same or better result than running. I ran the firefighter fun run two years ago only training with Crossfit. I ran the 5K with a 6:59 split. Not bad for not doing training runs. I also ran our city mile and a half with a SCBA on my back wearing my mask and breathing compressed air. I did the run with a 7:26 split. No training runs. I say this not to discourage anyone from running do it especially if it is enjoyable to you. I like competing in races too. But, don't feel as if you need to do it to supplement what we offer at the gym.

Take care everyone and thanks again.

Natalie said...

Ben, remember...you're only one meal away from the Zone. Just start over tomorrow! Keep up the great work everyone on the Zone. Week 2 is almost over. If you need to have a "Cheat" meal next week, do it. You deserve it. You should all be getting pretty good with weighing and measuring your food by now. You can probably start eyeballing things now and know that it's about 3 or 4 oz. It gets easier as you go.

Jason's post above has very good info. and he is right. Work on your weakness's until they become your strengths.

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