9:00 PM

Wednesday 1/27/10


100 abmat sit-ups for time

Back Squat

During last Saturday's wod......

After. :)

"I felt I had at last found a space where I wasn't judged by how my body looks, but by what I can do with it." Read more of this great article by Stephanie M. of Crossfit Peru in "My Inner Athlete."


Natalie said...

I love these pictures!

Anonymous said...

Nice knee push ups phill.......LOL!!!


Mandy :) said...

Natalie read statement from yesterday. Thought you would like it. :) My experience at the rec center like you have had at golds.

Viking Crossfit said...

So quiet on the blog today.........

Ben said...

This has been a great week for me. I got my first pullup yesterday, although I couldn't repeat it today. :D

Today I did the workout completely unscaled, and my since my back is feeling much better (finally), I actually got to put on a lot of weight in the back squats. I don't think I maxed out, but that's because I was nervous about my back and I started low.

I noticed at work today that I'm not losing my breath going up the stairs to my office any more, and a coworker commented that I was "losing my belly".

Feeling great, can't wait to get in tomorrow.

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