9:00 PM

Tuesday 2/9/10


500 meter row

Push-jerk 21
Muscle-up 10
30 broad jumps
Push-jerk 21
Muscle-up 10

Can anyone identify this Crossfitter?


Amanda said...


Wade Olsen said...

Oh boy... a chipper WOD. I like these ones. I missed the one that Cody did a couple of Sundays ago, so this will be fun.

Just a thought... is there anyway we could do our our little "in house" jump rope/double unders seminar? Because I SUCK at double unders. I loe the WOD today, but it took forever cause I one double under at a time.

Just a thought.

See ya tomorrow!


Dave and Corey Johnson said...

I'd know that women anywhere its Camie

DaveS said...

There's a CF Level 1 cert in Park City in April. As with most CF certs they are usually posted and within about roughly 5 seconds they fill up. If anyone has any friends who know friends who can 'bump' a person or two off the list so I can get in. Let me know.

Anonymous said...

What if i know some who, who is a neighbor to a cousin, who once talked to someone that was passing through park city, that could get you in. Would you be interested in that? J/k Dave, good luck getting in to it.


Natalie said...

Dave, I'll see what I can do. If not Park City, I noticed there is a cert in South Africa or Japan you could go to. :) j/k

Wade Olsen said...

Hey Dave, for a small nomial fee I can make some people who are already registered to go, "disappear".

I'm not saying... I'm just saying...


DaveS said...

10-4 there Wade. Reading you loud and clear. Is there an anonymous account number I need to be aware of, or this a cash only transaction?

Jenn said...

Wow, the things we do to become Crossfit elite!

Will said...

Between cheer classes and belly dancing classes (neither one for me by the way) I ended up having to do this at home. Used 95# for PJ, which got heavy faster than I thought it would. Haven't worked on muscle ups for about 7 months so had to do a hanging feet on box behind me type of muscle up and concentrate on trying to just use arms. Dave had me do the same kind once in a muscle up intensive WOD some time ago. Have to start working them again. Broad jumps were actually more tiring than I thought they would be. After this WOD and yesterdays my arms and shoulders are pretty fatigued.

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