3 rounds
400 Meter run
21 Kettlebell swings 55#/35#
12 pull-ups
(Sorry, no 4pm class today)
James and Jenn in Sunny California.
This Friday is Ladies night out at the Garcia's house. We are going to watch "New Moon" and hang out. Even if you're not a 'Twillight' fan come anyway, it will be fun to hang out together outside the gym. See all you ladies there! 1568 North 375 East (at the top of the cul-de-sac).
Sweet pictures James and Jenn!
So "Helen" was the first WOD I ever did when I heard first heard about CrossFit. I did it at Gold's Gym, on a treadmill, and developed the worse side ache going into the second round. I think I remember finishing... I don't really remember because it was all pretty hazy after the 3rd round. I was limping out of the gym holding my side cause it felt like I'd been stabbed.
Its been a long time since "Helen" and I last met and almost 2 years since she kick my a$$ the first time. She is going down tomorrow... you hear that "Helen"??? You're going down!!!
HA HA HA......We"ll see!!!!!!!!!!
Just making sure... isn't "Helen" 3 rounds?
I'm not saying... I'm just saying...
Helen you're so mean! But not as mean as Fran or Kelly. I'll be seeing you tomorrow as well.
Wow... that WOD today brought back those memories from the first time I did this WOD. I realized today that I SUCK, and I mean REALLY SUCK at running. Looks like I have my work cut out for me.
I won't be able to come in to the gym today or tomorrow. :( Can I make up this WOD this week sometime. I want to see if I can get a PR. Love this WOD even though I hate running. It's an accomplishment for me to complete running WOD's lol
Everyone did really well tonight, even though the run was hard for everyone. We will be doing more running and sprinting now that that it's warming up outside. :) I know you're all so happy about that too. It's great to see so many of you doing kipping pull ups! It was nice to meet you tonight Shane and welcome to the gym!
Ok Angela, I did end up doing the wod and got 11:08 Rx. Not a PR though. :(
It was a good workout tonight. My running sucks! One day my sides will stop hurting while running and it will be a little more pleasant. Thanks Phil and everyone else who pushed me through the WOD tonight. It helped so much having everyone telling me not to stop and to keep going. :)
Mel, my running sucks too! I am just slow....I am glad I came in and got it done and over with!
Natalie, GOOD JOB! I knew you would do it ;)
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