9:00 PM

Friday 5/7/10


Warm-ups+ pistols


2K Row

Good luck! The goal is 7 minutes.

Read here.....Bringing out the athlete in all of us.

There is a Basic Movements class tomorrow (Saturday) for all new clients to attend. If you cannot make it please let one of the trainers know. All new clients need to attend a Basic Movements class, preferably within a month after sign-up.


Kathy said...

Ok, fess up, who else was singing while they were rowing?? Row row row your boat, la la la la la!!! It's been a good week for wods.

Amanda said...

Kathy, honestly, the thought never crossed my mind. I wish it would have, maybe it would have gone by faster.

That was harder than I thought it was going to be. I thought I did okay though. I stayed pretty consistent throughout the whole thing. My time= 9:05.

Wade Olsen said...

I am going to learn to like rowing. Its funny, because I hate to run, but running is fun comared to rowing. Row, row, row your boat!


Anonymous said...

Does anybody else have sore buns after a row? Not sure why mine hurt. Maybe I was doing it wrong...

Mandy :) said...

I got butt cramps during row. But not sore yet. It was my thighs that felt very tight. And I tasted blood. Now I am going through the coughing thing. Rows are nasty!

Jason said...

Your buns are exactly where it is going to hurt if your doing it right.

AnnEE said...

I'm with Mandy- I've been hawking up a lung for the remainder of the evening. A perfect end to my NINE HOURS in class today!

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