1:13 PM

Friday, September 26


Tessa, Richard and Dermont get "Filthy"

30 muscle-ups for time.

If you cannot do muscle ups
do 120 pull-ups and 120 dips.


Anonymous said...

Last night did:
For time:
1 mile
20 pullups & 20 pushups
1 mile
20 pullups & 20 pushups

23 min.

T'day did the sub muscle up WOD;
120 pullups and 120 dips.
Time: 31:41.
Faster than last time. I also got me first Tare on my palm.

J Tills.

Tessa and Jeff said...

Wow, I can't believe I did it, but I did...
30 MU
Time: 16:28
This was definitely an awesome WOD to finish for me. It was mind over matter, and with A LOT of motivation and cheering from Natalie, Jason, and Dave, I was able to complete the 30 MU as rx'd. When I started CF I would have told you there was no way I could EVER do a MU let alone 30. Wahoo!
After I did mine, Jason did his in record time again. In case he doesn't post... he got 4:23! What an awesome thing to see.
After resting, Jason helped me work on my form for the Clean and Jerks. For some reason I really like that lift, and want to get better at it. Thanks Jason for your input.
Well, hopefully we'll see more of you there tomorrow!

Viking CrossFit said...

Ok- first of all- Tessa rocked her 30 MU! Her form was beautiful the with each one. Jason and I decided that it is time to start training you for the CF Summer Games next year, Get Ready!

Blake and Kaleb did awesome with "Nancy" today. Those OHS are just a killer by the last couple of rounds, but you guys really pushed it. Nice job! (Blake, I hope your arms are not still numb :) )

Travis- I heard you were disappointed because you did not feel like puking by the end of your wod today. HEHE. You're a die hard. Just remember- your wod today wasn't so much a metabolic conditioning wod, (met.con.) it was a muscle fatiguing wod, and I am sure your arms were burnt by the end. Nice job!

Great effort from everyone this week! Hope some of you can make it tomorrow am.


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