8:25 PM

Tuesday 09/30/08


Back Squat
5 . 5 . 5 . 5 . 5

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Matt and Tessa feelin' the burn on their backwards run during "Griff"


Viking CrossFit said...

Last night I put a group through "Griff", they inspired me so I did Griff today. As Rx- 13:09
I had to stop on my first lap to tie my shoe...I was SO MAD! I was really shooting for sub 13 min and I'm sure I would have done if it weren't for my dang shoelace! Still a PR for me though.
Travis- I think you're right- this is a hard one to shave off a lot of time. If I only had long legs like Dave....
Nat :)

Viking CrossFit said...

Will- I just read your post from last night...Let's do it!
Ok everyone- This Saturday at 0930
Bar Appreciation WOD! Stay tuned for details...

Anonymous said...

Natalie-I'm bummed now cuz I got a call from the college this morning and they need me to work on Saturday. :( But I would be happy to do it at the 9:30 Thursday morning WOD if Dave is cool with that. I've been dying to try it.

Anonymous said...

Did the Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5.
Warmed up CFWU & light squats.
205 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 5
295 x 5
305 x 5
There was a big crew there last night.
Also, my 9 y/o did pullups bar and ring & rope climbs as warm up.
Then did 3 sets of 250m on row machine. This was to help with upper body for her uneven bar routine. She said she had fun being there and doin' stuff.
Thanx again to the Viking Crossfit staff for the dedication and instruction!!

J Tills.

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