8:00 PM

Monday 12/01/08


"Mr. Joshua" (click here)

Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Ab mat/Glute-ham sit-ups
250 pound Deadlift, 15 reps

Blake doing his deadlifts last time
we did "Mr. Joshua".
This is a hero wod everyone. Hard, but worth it!
Nice job everyone who played soccer last Saturday against
the professional team (what was that all about?) It was a great
workout and a lot of fun! Sergio was definately the MVP of
the night, and Jenny was our best defensive player!
And the red and white striped socks with the candy canes
that lit up - priceless.
We could always use some more players so mark your calendars
for this Saturdays game at 6:10 pm.


Viking CrossFit said...

Tills- so sorry about your injury, that stinks. Hope you feel better soon. I too, am injured. I did a AMRAP wod with C&J and double unders the night before the game. My left quad was tight and sore after. When I got out on the field at the game, I started running and the pain was excrutiating, I couldn't even play! By the time I got home that night I could barely walk. So I have been icing it all day. I really hate being injured.
I was no help at all at the game, sorry everyone. You all pretty much played the full game without subbing out much- most impressive!

Have a great workout everyone. Can you believe only 24 more days until Christmas?????

J Tills said...

Stink?!...yes it does!!!
I'm feeling better as time passes. T'day, I did the main page shoulder press:
Then I tried the elliptical (sp) machine. found out it didn't hurt so, I did 4 400m...these were slower than running but they got the ol' ticker kickin'.

Anonymous said...

Joshua today subbed 185# for the 250 since that is about 20 less than my max and my back has felt a little tight on the right side since the soccer game. So I wanted to take it easy with the weight particularly since I didn't have anybody to eyeball me on my form.


Grip was actually the big factor for me. By round three it was all I could do to hang on to the bar for eight reps. After that it was down to sets of 5 just to keep my grip from totally failing.
Talked to Mandy on the phone and it sounds like she did awesome. Good job babe!
Tessa- Nice job doing all GHD sit-ups. It was hard enough for me just getting through it with regular sit-ups.

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