Sorry, I can't post what the wod is because we
are doing it a day earlier than the other affiliates
due to our schedule. Jason will be in all day today
and we have a 0930 class and 6 pm class on Wednesday.
So you all have two days to get in and help represent
Viking Crossfit! We need all of you! See you at the gym!
P.S. You may not want to post your times or what the wod
is today so the other affiliates won't get a sneak peek. :)
But we still want to see some posting!
It's still Mon, but I'll post here. This afternoon went back...'n'
Did OHS 5-5-5-5-5:
Then decided to do:
400m (eliptical)run
OHS 95# x 15 reps
Nothing earth shattering...but good for a week off and recovering.
Will, I'm lookin' to you to bring it for the VCF!!! Hope to see y'll at the game Sat nite!:)
oops, didn't mean to post this so early but now you all know...UT Affiliate Challenge tommorrow! Make sure to get some sleep, and eat a little something (preferrably Zone friendly). You guys will all do great!!!!!
p.s. Tills glad you are doing better, we need you at the game Saturday! Find a girdle, I'm serious. Maybe some Spanx. ( lol. ok kidding on that one. )
Tills- Sounds like you're feeling a little better since you're pumping out that many OHS. We will be at the game for sure on Saturday. I hope you aren't looking to me to bring it for the Affiliate Challenge. Cuz if you are your faith is very misplaced brother man!
Even though we don't know what the wod is for the Challenge I gotta tell ya I'm a little scared. The last Challenge wod totally wrecked me for about 3 days. With my tight back I'm hoping it isn't anything heavy. Ok I'm done crying.
I will give you all a's one of my favorite wods....
(if you guess it, don't post it :)
lol hmmmm favorite WOD?!?! Nat we wanted you to go so bad tonight! Yes people, Tessa and I went and saw Twilight for the 3rd time and yes we are dorks. She was even studying in the dark. Okay so I did Mr. Joshua! Can I just say I loved it. I was wiped but it was a good challenge for me. I always walk some when I do runs. But I did not walk one bit on all 5 rounds. So that is a stepping stone for me. I believe my time was 37:19. Cody told me to only do 10 deadlifts so that is the only thing I changed. I told him I wanted to do 15 but its a good thing I did'nt. I am feeling it in my back. But nothing 800 mg of motrin can't take care of. I have to also admit, I am scared for tomorrow. lol See all those who come at 6p.m.
Hey all! I wish I Could be there for the affiliate challenge! Good luck to everyone! I think I can guess what it is! Well good luck and keep pushing! Beat UV! See you when I get back!
Justin, Brooke, Jenny, Kaleb...Where are you guys????
Justin it sounds like you are out of town...hope you can make it to the soccer game this Saturday! :)
See you all soon.
Tessa, Will, Phil, Mandy, and Kevin did AWESOME tonight on the affiliate wod. I was so proud! :)
Welcome Kevin! It was nice to have you tonight. You did awesome tonight, especially for having to do such a hard wod! Nice work everyone!
Killer WOD tonight. Can't say what it was but I guess the only thing that really matters is that I was 20 seconds short of my ultimate goal for the night. Son of#&*#@$&^%$!!!!!! It was a hard fought battle that I just flat out lost. All hail Queen TESSA!! Strong work sister I got nothing but love for ya,,,,now anyways, I wanted to straight up choke you out a few hours ago. :) Although with the way things turned out I probably would have been the one getting choked out and then I would have had one more thing to pout about. :) :)
Strong work to everybody, Mandy, Phil and Kevin all gutted out a hard wod. Yeah Mandy you bad uh huh, hot thing!
Kevin- hope we see you again at the gym. It's awesome to see new faces there. If nothing else it will be nice to get beat by somebody else besides the QUEEN!
Thanks to all the trainers for the encouragement. You guys/gal are awesome!
ugggghhhhhhh is all I got to say lol
What do you mean ugghhh? If nothing else your tushie looked hot in spandex! Whoot whoot!
Well, I guess I can't post what the WOD was or what I got either... well I guess I can now since tomorrow is posted! Wahoo:)
Filthy Fifty
Time: 28:01 PR (19 seconds faster than Will)
I was seriously so STOKED about this time, not only because I beat Will, but because it was over 2 minutes better than my last PR! My goal for tonight, well two goals for tonight, were to BEAT WILL, and get sub 30 minutes! I met both of them:) Will, seriously if you hadn't been there kickin my trash I wouldn't have gotten my best time. You were pushin me and I was behind the whole time, til the end anyway! Ha ha... nothin but love for ya brother!
I'm WAY WAY sore, especially after last nights WOD, and then to add this one on top of it... wow, definitely takin a rest day tomorrow :)
Mandy, Phil, and Kevin all did awesome! Nice to meet Kevin tonight... I love to see new faces that love getting their butt kicked!
Thanks to the trainers for pushin all of us. Tonight rocked and the "love" in the air was unbelieveable :) Love the new floor mats too! See you all Thursday sometime!
Okay I will post my time 47:?? After last nights WOD I had a hard time with todays. Back KILLS SOOOOO bad! But once again I will get over it and move on. lol Ecspecially after I call my doc tomorrow and ask for muscle relaxers lol (or when I take my son in for his appointment at 9) woo-hoo
28:20 (19 seconds slower than Tessa) Better than last one by about three minutes
Tessa- thanks for writing BEAT WILL in various manners like 40 times in your post! ;)
SO.... I have missed you guys... but not much after hearing that you did the FILTHY 50's! AGAIN!!! AHHH... Guess we will see how it goes tomorrow!!
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