Five rounds for time of:
25 Pull-ups
25 Burpees
Jenni and Kaleb pushing through a wod together.
You two look great! Jenni got her first pull-up last
month. If you see her make sure to congratulate her,
that is a huge milestone! Keep it up Jenni!
Ok, if any of you are crazy enough, you can try some inverted burpees
in this wod: Inverted Burpees
I did 158 pull ups total and
benched 323# 15 times each round..
It was easy.
Travis- I'm sitting here asking myself "Is he pulling our leg or do I want to make sure I never piss him off!"
Travis was telling us yesterday ever since he started doing Crossfit he walks around now like he's some kind of B.A. Oh wait...he said he has always thought that. :)
He did do pretty awesome on Lynne yesterday though.
Did the 400m run/ squat wod today.
=12:23(PR). The thing that sucks is I did it on a treadmill with an incline, but everytime I got off to do squats the treadmill would turn off so it would take about 8-10 seconds to restart the TM and get back to my running pace. So, I wonder what my time would really be.... ;)
Hope you all had a good day today.
I heard Chad cranked out 4 kipping pull ups last night, great job!
Did the same wod as Natalie today, the 400m run/squat, just not as fast.
Time of 13:00 on treadmill at 1% incline so a PR by 1:43 for me. Had some of the same problem as you did Natalie, waiting for the treadmill to get up to speed. I just leave it running at my pace while I'm doing my squats but it took 14 seconds to get up to speed on the first round. So taking that off I'm still slower than you. You got some wheels on ya sister! Or some serious squat ability to hammer out a time like that. Who am I kidding you got me beat on both counts. Nice job!
Runs felt pretty good but my legs have felt hammered over the last week so squats felt pretty hard by round 4.
Oh Natalie... you crack me up! You're time is amazing first of all, and then to think that you took that much time in between each round to reset the treadmill... it's just no fair!!! You rock, my goal is to be just like you some day! :)
Well, I wanted to do today's WOD but during my warm up my right hand had already started bleeding and my grip just wasn't right. I felt bad cause I had to go late because of work, and Cody was in the middle of the WOD, so I decided to do the 2000 meter row... my first time doing it! It's a lot harder than it sounds or looks!
2000 meter row
Time: 9:36
I was hoping to be at least in the 8 minute range, but oh well, better luck next time. My legs are just about ready to fall all the way off now with yesterday's WOD and all... well, that's all. See you all Saturday ;)
Will, you crack me up too... you and Nat are both amazing! :)
Today was great! I did...
5 Rounds
25 jumping pullups
15 burpees
23:04(I believe)
It was my first cardio one after being sick. Chest and throat were on fire. But I finished and love it. And my right knee is even bloody from the burpees.(forgot to put a mat down)I have a crossfit wound. woo-hoo! Oh I forgot to mention I did dead lifts Monday. 5 rounds 5 each round. I don't remember weights. Brook and Justin did great like always. And thanks cody for helping me with my pull ups. I will get there. Can I say I just love crossfit!
You guys are all so AWESOME! Will, nice job on your wod- legs are just burning by round four huh?
Tessa- rowing is harder then it looks, but you got a great time. Nice job sista!
Mandy- Bloody knees? Cool. Battle scars :) Perfect wod for you after being sick, great job!
Sounds like Brooke and Justin were there tonight too. I'm sure you both rocked as always. I heard Brooke is also busting out the pull ups- Whoo hoo!
See some of you tomorrow night!
Cool to see so many posts even if i'm a geek with three in one day. :)
Mandy with some CF battle scars. Nice. Very sexy I must say. You're doing awesome, I'm pretty proud of you! Anything over 3 rounds puts the hurtins to you. You did great!
Tessa- Yeah that 2k row sucks the life right out of ya. That's a pretty good time you got there. Thanks for the added after thought post saying I crack you up too. Trust me, those little things you do nice to people add up. That's why I take it easy on you when we go head to head in the wods. ;) (Now I feel like Sevan on the main page, always talking smack to the ladies and then getting my butt kicked all over the gym by the same ladies!)
Natalie- Oh they were doing alot more than burning I can promise you that!
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