9:00 PM

Thursday 11/20/08



Three rounds for time:
-Run 400 meters
-1 1/2 pood
Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
-12 Pull-ups

Phil looks pretty mean flipping that tire around
Fixing the Kettlebell Swing, Jeff Martone ...[wmv][mov]


Viking CrossFit said...

Where is everyone today????

Anonymous said...

Patience young one, they will come. :)
Helen as rx'd today
Time 11:57 PR

First WOD in five days. Nice to be able to get back to it. Beat by old pr back in August by about 45 seconds, so I'm pretty happy with that. Runs felt good. Was aiming for Steves 9 something that he got the other day. Like I usual whenever I chase Steve I fall short. But that's ok since he realizes he has a target on his back. ;) In the end I'm just happy that I'm improving.
Tills- I miss you on facebook my friend. Log in sometime would you buddy.

Anonymous said...

Tonight was alot of fun! I kept trying to work on the pull ups. My arms are still hurting fromthe other night so it was tough. So I did todays WOD. I used the 26# cow bell and I did jumping pull ups. Time 18:18
I just was not feeling it tonight. I felt like I could push harder, I just ould'nt. Thats okay thoug, looking forward to next time. Caleb and Jen did a great job. I look forward to their family fued sessions. You guys rock and make me laugh. Cody thank you for spending that extra time with me working on pullups. Ohh yeah and I love the video. ;) Which I still have not told Will about lol Thanks for all you do!

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