9:00 PM

Thursday 01/08/09


Hang power clean
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

You go girl!
Hang Power Clean... [wmv] [mov]


Viking CrossFit said...

Where is everyone today?

Anonymous said...

I was working. I "plan" to be there at the am. Today I guess was my rest day. And can I say from standing so much from the last 2 days my legs "kill"!!!! I am going to do todays WOD tomorrow. I was really looking forward to that and seeing if I could get a pr! Hey I agree where is everyone????

Tessa and Jeff said...

Yeah, where is everyone today? I was able to go to the night class tonight with Kevin and Justin; Cody and Jewels showed up a little later. I did the Hang Power Cleans; 95-105-105-105-115-115-95. My shoulder was startin to feel it toward the end and after tryin 120 a few times my shoulder was pretty much done, and having to end with a completion I went back down to 95. The form on those was kind of hard for me to get down, and then I ended up siking myself out a lot. Anyhow, Kevin and Justin were puttin up some pretty impressive weights; nice work guys!
Jewels: I'm SO glad you're back!!! WAhoo! Now all we have to do is get Katie in to do WOD with us!
Well, we'll see how tomorrow goes... 15 HSPU? YIKES! :) Hope to see a lot of you in the morning. ;)

Justin Williams said...

today was tiring! It was good to see a few people pushing themselves!! Kevin did awesome! Today I did the hang cleans! 205-225-235f-225-235f-225f-205 it was really fun there today, but i am disappointed, I really wanted 235 but i kept failing on it! man I am addicted to this again! Can't wat to be back on tues!

Anonymous said...

That was a fun day at the gym. Justin and Tessa it was AWESOME to see you hand Clean, nice work! Oh yeah Cody's not timed!

Anonymous said...

as you were, HANG CLEAN

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