9:00 PM

Tuesday 01/06/08


With a continuously running clock do one 135 pound Clean and Jerk the first minute, two 135 pound Clean and Jerk the second minute, three 135 pound Clean and Jerk the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed.
(Women use 65-95#)

It's a new year and time to make new goals!
(This page has valuable information on making goals. Save this information to help you make goals throughout the year and for future reference)
At the bottom of your progress sheets there is a space for a 1 month goal, 3 month, 6 month and one year. Write down what you really want to achieve by those dates. Some examples are: What do you want your Fran time to be by April (3 months)? How many pull-ups do you want to be able to do or what do you your 5K run time to be in 6 months? Make a goal for what you want your Crossfit total or some of your weights on your lifts. Make sure to write them down and share them with someone. Having concrete written goals will help you in achieving them and by sharing them you can feed off the support provided by your peers.
Below are some more ideas for making goals, courtesy of Lalanne Fitness.
1) Visit the SKILL LEVELS page
2) Pick 2 or 3 movements from each modality. (metabolic conditioning, gymnastics movements, weightlifting and body weight exercises). (i.e.; RUN 1 MILE, OVERHEAD SQUAT, PARALETTES, PULL-UPS)
3) Determine your baseline (current level) performance.(i.e.; RUN 1 MILE (9:00), OVERHEAD SQUAT (BW x 5 reps), L-PULL-UPS (12 rep max set)
4) Set performance GOALS (desired level) with real deadlines! (i.e.; RUN 1 MILE (sub 9 min), OVERHEAD SQUAT (BW x 15 reps), PULL-UPS (30 rep max set)
5. Choose at least one each day, focus your efforts on improving and MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Also, here is a link from CrossFit Mental Training with Tom Wolf. A good introduction to making "S.M.A.R.T." goals (Specific, Measureable, Action-oriented, Realistic and Timed)...
Here are some ideas and examples of creating your own SMART CrossFit goals.

"I feel that the most important step in any major accomplishment is setting a specific goal. This enables you to keep your mind focused on your goal and off the many obstacles that will arise when you're striving to do your best." -Kurt Thomas


Anonymous said...

I remember this one from a few months ago. Usually wods that do the one the first minute, two the second minute, ect. don't get to bad for me until about round 7-8. Seems like I remember hating this one by about round 4!

Anonymous said...

Sorry for such a long blog today. But we really want you to set some goals! Great ideas on the blog today. Read it and starting making some short-term and long-term CF Goals! MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Anonymous said...

P.S. Does anyone read the information I put on the blog...like todays? Please let me know if info. like this is interesting and helpful. Or post what you would like to see. I really try to find pertinent info. and/or information about the movements in the wod that day. etc. If you don't really care, please let me know that too.'

Anonymous said...

I have been setting a few goals and it included alot of crossfit oriented ones. I however didn't put a time frame on them which your post reminded me. I think in the morning i will do Micheal as i did not get to do it last week and i did the Death by Clean and Jerk workout when it was on the main site last week. Did 95# and got to 7 rounds + 5, didn't get hard til round 5 and then it got heavy quick. So good luck to those doing it tomorrow. I had to skip Murph this morning because of shoulder soreness but i am gonna hit it later this week at golds so i can do a full Murph and use the Gravitron pullup assist machine. See you guys in the morning.

Viking CrossFit said...

See ya tomorrow Rockey. Hope the shoulder starts feeling better.

Hey- where IS Justin and Brooke? And Kaleb and Jenny???? We miss you guys.

Anonymous said...

Nat- I like the info you put on the blogs. It's nice to be able to get additional info on the wod or various exercises without having to go looking on the main page or someplace else. I like the idea of setting CF goals. I used to run 2-3 races a year to help stay motivated to go out and run. I really haven't set any goals when it comes to CF. I think that would help me make bigger gains.
Keep it up with the improvements you guys/gals have been making on the blog and the Viking main page. I think it's been great.

Travis Bush said...

Couldn't make it in so I did my own work out in my hotel room..

10 burpees for time .. one round..

I set a PR..

Anonymous said...

Did JT this morning in place of Death by Clean and Jerk. It was 21, 15, 9 of HSPU, Ring Dips and PU. I had to scale it to piked pushups for the handstand portion, self assisted ring dips on the box and knee push ups. Who knew HSPU would fry my shoulders so bad i couldn't do a normal pushup lol. Keep up the hard work all, see you tomorrow.

Viking CrossFit said...

Travis sounds like you deserve a second round of room service for that high intensity WOD you did. Keep up with your consistency brother.

By the way has your brother gone back to Georgia? If so we will miss him and your niece at the last soccer game.

Travis Bush said...

Yeah..they are home now..
My other niece might be in town.. Ill check with her..

Anonymous said...

Travis, you are the bomb! ...I'll write down your PR in your book for you. Hope that didn't hurt your back too much. :)
Today's First women's class was great! Great job Korey, Rochelle, Jamie, Kristin, and Camey. You all did great learning some of the basic movements and on your 3 rounds for time workout. Hope you all liked it and hope to see you all agian soon. Like..tomorrow. :)

Anonymous said...

P.S. Korey smoked you today Travis.

Travis Bush said...

haha.. i bet she did..

Viking CrossFit said...

Nice work this am Rockey! We love that you're drinking the Kool-aid. :) Phil and Blake rocked today's C & J wod too. Strong work.

Anonymous said...

I debated on making this my rest day. But of course Crossfit won!! So I went in. I did not think I would do well, because my arms were dead from last nights WOD and I shoveled 3 driveways right before I went.(took over 4 hours) But I ended up doing the clean and jerks thing. I did 6 rounds plus 4. I did it at 65#. I loved it. And I know next time I can go up in weight. Did I say, I Love Crossfit!! :) Kevin (aka"MUD") did a great job to. It was nice to see him again. I will be there in the AM tomorrow because I finally got a job and have to work tomorrow night. The funny thing is when I looked at the schedules at my new job, I had to look and make sure I would still be able to crossfit! That was a big factor if I would take the job or not. lol See everyone in the AM!!

Tessa and Jeff said...

Ok, so this might be a long post so bare with me...
I did the Clean and Jerk WOD, had to modify putting the weight down (weird) because my shoulder is being dumb. Anyway I did 7 rounds +4 (75#). It's the same weight I did last time but I did an extra round plus some! Wahoo! It was fun to watch Brooke and Justin do theirs... nice WORK!!!
Ok, so I'm watching "The Biggest Loser" right now, and I'm seriously in tears every few minutes. I am so grateful for Crossfit! It was amazing to watch all the contestants go to the Dr. and hear all of the things that were "wrong" with them... and to hear how much FAT they had IN their body's and organs was AMAZING! HOLY COW!! One older guy actually had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital after passing out after the very first workout. I could go on and on about the things that have been running through my head about these people and myself (as I stuff my face with carmel corn my hubby made me for shoveling the drive way for him, hehe... I promise after this week... I'm gonna give the Zone another shot!) Anyhow, I'm more motivated than ever to be heathly and STAY healthy for the rest of my life. Thanks to all the trainers for not being as mean as Jilian (on the biggest loser) but being just as motivating! Cody, you were a huge help tonight on my clean and jerks, thank you. Can't wait to come in tomorrow AM.
PS am I allowed to come to the "Women Only" class? And Travis - way to push yourself while you're on the road! Nice work! Alright, good night!

Viking CrossFit said...

Yes you can come to the women only class Tessa.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great class tonight! Way to go Mandy and Tessa on the C&J. Isn't that wod fun? Tessa, loved your post. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Clean and Jerk wod with 115lbs. Got five more reps (not rounds) than last time but still not a spectacular showing by any stretch of the imagination.
Tessa- Do you not like us anymore? Is that why you're abandoning us to go to the women only class?

Justin Williams said...

Well today was my first day back! Brooke and I did the clean and jerk every minute! Brooke killed it! I did 8 rounds and 7. And I only got that seventh just to beat Cody! Haha love ya Cody! Brooke killed it doing 10 rounds plus 4. I think she needed more weight! Jk well its so good to be back really missed it!

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