9:00 PM

Tuesday 2/03/09


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:

Run 400 meters
Max rep Pull-ups
Count number of pull-ups completed for each round.

Natalie after "Mr. Joshua." (Just kidding.) She couldn't resist posing in front of our newly
painted Pukie picture though.

Named by Time magazine as one of the, “Top 100 Most Influential People in the World,” Dean Karnazes has expanded the limits of human endurance and along the way inspired countless others to be the best that they can be. How does he stay so fit? He's on the Zone diet. Read more... Endurance champion is in the Zone.


Anonymous said...

Natalie is the only girl I think looks cute puking(is that how you spell it) in a bucket. I will hold your hair for you anytime.


Anonymous said...

Awwwww how sweet!! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh,honey...how romantic. Thank you. Love ya!

Hope you all read the article about Dean Karnazes. Just one more reason to Zone...you WILL see a difference in your atheletic performance.

Anonymous said...

Mandy did you make it in tonight? Were you smokin'your cleans?

Anonymous said...

I am getting the feeling that you want us to post more often!!!!!

Anonymous said...

lol Yeah! But I did Thrusters. I was really wanting to do those since Friday! Even Will went and bought me some weights so I could do them here. And still did not do them. So I was dtermined. lol

Anonymous said...

Ok Anonymous...who are you? Blake? :)
Yep, I want you all to post more often. I haven't been able to train very often lately so I live vicariously through the blog. :0

Anonymous said...

Just read Karnazes book Ultra marathon man. Good read. Has me motivated to start on my goal of running a century. Did a run with the students today broke up by sets of 50 of squats, lunges and 30 burpees every half mile or so. Didn't know until today that i could do one armed burpees. Felt good to get out and today something.
Puke all you want Nat I'm not holding your hair! :)

Anonymous said...

Guess I actually posted that on the wrong day. For clarification the breaks in the run would be squats one break, lunges the next, and so on.

Steve R said...

One armed burpees?? Respect Brother. Yet again Will shows me why he's a hero.

Anonymous said...

Did Nicole this morning. Going to the 6:30am class is so nice, running outside is brutal that early, lol.

Eric had a fun formula for work output to see how much force is exerted during a workout, I know why i suck at math that was complicated but insightful.

Overall not a bad workout got in 5 rounds plus another 200m. I believe 19,15,10,11,10 pullups with the greyband assist. Run times were decent as well but definite room for improvement. Have fun today all and get some!

Anonymous said...

Well I had planned to go in the gym this am. But was to tired. And promised my self if I slept in I would have to get right up and to do the WOD. And I did. I ran 4 rounds in the 20 minutes. Which is good for me. I did not even walk any. And I kept the speed between 4.8 and 5.0. So that is very good for me. As we all know I HATE running. As far as the pullups they were really hard on the bar here because it is so high up. So I did jumping pullups from the ground. Total of 38. I guess you can say I was more focused on the running. I wanted to run a mile. And I did. I finished the run with 20 seconds left on the timer. So I did not do a 4th round of pullups. I close tonight and open tomorrow. So I plan to be there tomorrow night. Good Luck everyone on your WODS today! And good job last night Will. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

J. Tills says;
t'day did a 5k
Later did:
5 rounds
225 BP max reps
max reps pullups
BP: 8/7/6/4/4
Pu: 18/16/13/8/8

Anonymous said...

Nice work everyone on Nicole today. Welcome Russell and Jed...I hope you liked your workout today and we hope to see more of you two! Blake, Phil, and Robbie rocked this wod today at 0930...way to keep the intensity up guys.
Way to go Mandy on doing the wod at home...it's hard to get in the groove at home.. You could have just come in after you woke up silly :)
Will- one armed burpees? You're an animal!

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