9:00 PM

Thursday 4/30/09


21-15-9 reps of:
Ring dips

Come improve your swimming skills at the Swim Class tonight at 6:30 pm. Meet in the pool at the Orem Rec. Center. If you are not a member it will be $2.00. There is a 5pm group wod at the gym before the class.


Viking CrossFit said...

We are still wondering how many of you are planning on coming to the swim class???? Please comment if you are. Don't be a wussie. :)

Mandy :) said...

Natalie I won't be able to do the swimming thing now. :(

Natalie said...

Rockey...did you get my emails with the articles????? I'm wondering if I have your correct email addy.

Natalie said...

Mandy I hope you feel better soon!

Melanie said...

I might be coming to the swim class. If I go everyone needs to put there bear goggles on to see me in a swimsuit. Lol!

Rockey said...

I didn't get it. MY email is rockey_mccartha@yahoo.com

Natalie said...

Rockey...I didn't have the underscore in your addy before so I resent them, let me know if you get 2 emails from me.

Marty said...

I'm guessing I need to buy and bring goggles? Anything else?

Natalie said...

A swim cap and arm floaties if you want :)

Mandy :) said...

Hey I want to hear about the swim class. You guys gotta post about it. Did todays WOD. Time 8:28. I did assisted ring pull ups. And did burpees on knees and normal ones. On the last 9 I did all normal ones. My arms are still shot from "Angie". Then after I was done a did a 1k row. Time 5:20. Everyone worked so hard at this WOD today. They were kicking some crossfit butt!! Woop Woop!!!!!

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