8:02 PM

Wednesday 4/29/09


Snatch x3 (70%x1, 75%x1, 80%x1)

Clean and Jerk: work up to 85% x 1 Clean x3
Jerks per rep

Swim class tomorrow night at 6:30 pm. Be there! Comment if you are planning on coming. It will be a lot of fun.

World Class Fitness in 100 Words

  • Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and NO sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.
  • Practice and train major lifts: deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics:pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstands, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast.
  • Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. ROUTINE IS THE ENEMY. Keep workouts short and intense.
  • Regularly learn and play new sports!

    Will said...

    Nice pic of my CrossFit hero.

    Viking CrossFit said...

    Today's wod is to work on the mechanics of the snatch and Clean & Jerk. You all need a bit of a rest after the last two days. :)

    Natalie said...

    Who's coming to the swim class????? Not wanting to get into a swimsuit is NO EXCUSE!!! You are all strong and should be proud of how you look. See you there.

    Anonymous said...

    I'm back :) nice pic Smoke.

    Kevin aka Clutch..

    Jason said...

    Nice to have you back Kevin!

    Natalie said...

    Welcome back Kevin!!!!!!!

    Steve R said...

    Welcome back Kevin! Hooah!!!!

    Anonymous said...

    Fun workout...Thanks Dave for being so patient and putting up with my uncoordination. You are a great teacher.

    Rockey said...

    Misread the WOD and was doing the Snatches as a 3x3 instead of 3x1. Also was my first time doing Snatches and was able to easily put up 105# x 3. The clean and jerks were also alot of fun. Have fun swimming everyone.

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