9:00 PM

Thursday 5/7/09


The Filthy Fifty
For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

"Failure is impossible." -Susan B. Anthony


Natalie said...

Let's get filthy!!!!!

Mandy :) said...

I am excited for this one. Woop woop!

Anonymous said...


Sweet picture what is your vertical? I am so excited for the Filthy Fifty tomorrow. Last time I only did 25 of everything and felt like a wimp. Tomorrow I am going for all 50 even though it might take an hour. I want Jason to tear me up.


Mandy :) said...

Natalie!! You are going to try to be there, right? :)

Anonymous said...

Let me guess...Sarah's workout will be tubby ten.


Had a great workout last night, hopefully I can get to the track tonight and do something semi cool seeing is how I can't make it to the gym tonight. Mandy, I came last night for you....next time be there or be square;)

Jason said...

I just want to say that I don't ever want to do filthy fifty again. I watched everyone do it today and was dreading it all day. I was so impressed with everyone today. You really gave it your all. I was especially proud of Natalie. She beat her last time. It is awesome to see people give it their all.

I did the WOD after the six p.m. class.


Natalie said...

So I did the FF this am as RX =24:15 PR by 4 seconds! I don't know why I'm always saying I like this wod....it was horrible. :) I think Rx for women should be 35# push press and 26# KB!!!! We're doing the same wt. as the guys ladies! Whoop, whoop! I'm really just trying to make myself feel better because Jason beat me and I'm really mad at him right now. :(

I am so proud of everyone who came in to today to do this wod. Everyone really gave it their all and there were a lot of PR's today. You have all made so much progress since you first started Crossfit, it's amazing to watch you push yourselves mentally and physically through such a tough workout. You are all truly amazing and should be proud of yourselves for the accomplishments you made today. If you can make it through the Filthy Fifty, you can make it through anything, in and out of the gym!!!!

Mandy :) said...

All I can say is, my body is wiped. I looked back at time from dec and it was 47 min and something seconds. I had did 15# push press, 18# kb, and 10# wall ball. This time my time was 45:40. But I tried to do as much of it as I could RX. I did the 35# KB, 45# push press, 15# wall ball. So I went up in weight tons. Wooop woop!! But the things I did that made it not RX were kness to waist, burpees on knees, and step up box jumps, and single jump ropes. So still need to improve those things by the next time we do this. It was soooo cool to see everyone push through this. And I was happy Blakes wife Deserea(spelling) came. I hope she can come more often. She did really well. And Brooke brought a friend Jessica who she plays volleyball with and kicked some butt for her first time. Hopefully it did not scare her off. Although she looked pretty in shape. What a fun night!!!I am so glad you showed up Natalie. Muahhhh!! The WOD was fun up until the wallballs and burpees and I just lost it mentally to push through it. My thighs still had not healed from the track and squat WOD Natalie gave me the other day.

Mandy :) said...

Oh yeah Natalie you did kick some butt!! Its okay if Jason's time was better. Like you said you did a guys weight. I did not think of that but I guess it was the same weight guys did. Woo hoo!! Will did great at the station with the guys. I wish I could have seen them to.

Natalie said...

Thanks Mandy! You girls did so great tonight too! And I forgot to welcome "Dez" tonight. It's so nice to have some more women around...come play with us more often!!!!!

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