8:47 PM

Wednesday 6/24/09


Front squat

Jessica, Phill and Kevin practice their double-unders.

Targeting belly fat
Get bigger by doing less


Kevin said...

That's a good picture! To bad I didn't actually jump the rope, lol.

Jason said...

I did the front squats at work today. Lame. I had to do them on the smith machine. That really sucked. So I think it was about 160 # but I have know idea how much that bar weighs or even if it does weigh anything. Working out at the Rec Center is a bummer.

I hope everyone else had a great day remember to keep that lumbar tight.

Mandy :) said...

Jessica, way to kick the guys butt! Hee Hee! You go girl!! Will and I will be taking the family hiking all day. So we won't be in tonight. :(

Anonymous said...

Hi guys-

Just making sure everyone noticed...no PM classes tonight. Sorry for the inconvenience.

-The Trainers

Jennifer said...

OMG my legs are killing me. My thighs, my butt, my hamstrings, what else is there? This week has been hard and I'm so looking forward to my rest day tomorrow! Maxed out today at 115 pounds on my front squats.

Natalie said...

Jennifer...115#? That is awesome! Way to go! Hey I haven't seen Kate on the board lately or posting...where is she????

Kate said...

She's too sore to type! ;)

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