8:30 PM

Saturday 8/15/09


Group WOD


Natalie said...

I had fun with all of you this morning...great job on the group wod! We just missed the rain too. :) You guys are all looking great
See you all next week!

Rockey said...

Was a fun WOD for sure.

Just a shameless plug for Ori and Jenn. They both have conquered the kipping pullup and are doing great at it. Ori looks like he has been doing them for years and has a great swing to his kip. Jenn is so close to stringing them together the push away at the top, the most dificult part in my opinion, is all that is holding her back. Her overall determination and drive will have her stringing together multiples in no time.

See everyone monday at 6am, I should be able to get my mom and sister to come sip some kool-aid.

Natalie said...

Oh Rockey, you beat me to the punch. I have great pics of both Jenn and Ori doing their kipping pull ups and I am going to post them and congrat them on the blog next week. :) Great job you two!

Jennifer said...

you guys are sweet. Rocky, seriously, who is going to give me a hard time when you leave? I am finally able to do my pullups in the warm up again. After a long month of letting my hand recover from torn blisters, I am back! I will try your suggestion Natalie and the next wod that has pullups, I will do them without band. Rocky, are you satisfied? :)

Today's wod was fun! I liked all 4 exercises that we did. See everyone on Monday at 6am!

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