9:12 PM

Thursday 8/13/09



Watch this.....Deadlifting with Mark Rippetoe


Mandy :) said...

Me love Deadlifts!!!

Mandy said...

Did the WOD at home again today with Will. We had to go to his grandmas 93rd birthday party. I had a hard time with this WOD. Not sure if I was feeling it. We have the flu going through our house. So not sure if I am coming down with something. Hope not have a lot of plans for my birthday weekend. Anyway I only ended up going to 165#. Then Will went over them a little with me to help focus on back. Doing 5 of 5 is harder then I thought it would be. Hope everyone did good today on their WOD's and learned new cool things. Not sure I will be at gym again tomorrow. Will's mom is taking kids so we can Paarrrtttyyyy!!

Jason said...

We missed you again tonight Mandy. I haven't seen Blake or Dez in a while either. Everyone that I worked with today really picked up on the stuff we went over with the deadlift. I really didn't have to make that many corrections. Great job everyone.

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