9:00 PM

Tuesday 10/27/09


Thrusters (95/65)

She's baaaaaack! Fran....Crossfit's most infamous wod! If you haven't had the pleasure to do Fran yet, don't miss this wod. For those of you who have met her, you better BRING IT!

"The fear is much worse then the pain."


Natalie said...

Ok Wade, now you can whine.

And in case anyone is wondering what I want you to bring (uhmm..Blake,) You better bring "IT"...intensity, perseverance, courage, strength, YOUR BEST!

cK said...

you had to post this one while I was gone huh? thanks a lot! I will be looking for some low times tomorrow so you all better post'em.
good luck all

Viking CrossFit said...

Well, we didn't want to start the week with Fran, so we did a somewhat easy workout today (unless you did dumbell lunges) :) So Erick you will have to do this one when you get back!

Wade Olsen said...

What a poor performance I had with "Fran" this morning. I definitely need to regroup and challenge "Fran" to a rematch.

Rx'd - Time: 8:58mins


Natalie said...

Oh Fran...how I loath you! 7:55 RX. Not a PR, but I haven't been lifting heavy lately due to my back, so I'll take it. Ugh.

Ok- everyone this am did AWESOME! Jason and I really pushed everyone hard and you all just kept up the intensity and got great times. We have seen a lot of you push through walls the past couple of weeks and do things you never thought you could do. Amazing! Keep it up!

Sabrina said...

First that is a creepy picture.. haha.. Second I have never done Fran so I'm kinda excited to see what its like... I hear its a butt kicker... Yesterday's wasn't that bad... Of course I say that now.. But, when I was doing it I'm sure I was thinking its awful.. Thanks to all the trainers for putting so much time into helping... Its great to get to know everyone..

Natalie said...

Sabrina and the girls..I really want to see you all tonight do Fran...I'm going to try to make it in with Jason.

Also- I forgot to mention the impressive times on saw on the board from the 6am class. Nice work! I also want to come into a 6am class to meet some of you as well.

Mandy :) said...

Sick about this WOD all day. PR for me by 6 minutes. 65# Thrusters. I hate her!! I would post time but lost piece of paper. Know it was 9 something

Jason said...

It is funny. Today Spencer was in the class along with everyone else and he was listening to everyone else whine, including me, about having to do Fran today. Spencer finally said is it really that bad. I thought that was great. It is such a mental game for me doing Fran so I get to worked up about it. I love that fact that I did it though. It is definitely my goat.

Fran RX

Thanks everyone that helped me keep going.

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