8:52 PM

Friday 12/4/09


1oo pull-ups for time

Christmas Party at the Garcia's tonight at 6:30 pm! Come see who won the October Zone Challenge. We hope to see all of you there. If you have other engagements, feel free to drop by later. It will be fun to party with all our Viking CrossFit friends!

Directions to Garcia's- Go east on 1600 N. then turn right on 400 east. Take the next right on 375 East into a cul-de-sac. We are at the top in a brick house.

Tomorrow....Project Lumberjack wod at 0900.
Please come donate and do a Hero wod for the fallen soldiers at Fort Hood.

"The better part of one's life consists of his friendships."
- Abraham Lincoln


Natalie said...

If you have athletic tape, bring it and we will show you how to tape your hands so they won't tear. Also...read the article to the right on "Hand Care". See you tomorrow at the gym and tomorrow night at the PAR-TAY!!!!!

P.S. We will not be Zoning tomorrow night, there will be lots of yummy-bad-for-you food. :)

Viking CrossFit said...

Sabrina...I heard you're going to sign up for the Winter Games! SWEEEEEEEET!

DaveS said...

This is probably the best picture ever taken of me. I'm so photogenic you all should be exceptionally jealous.

For all of you who haven't had the pleasure of today's WOD, proceed to the edge of your seats and await the awesomeness. There is no end to the fun this one provides. I also need to note that washing my hair this morning didn't have the ease it has in most other mornings that don't involve 100 pull ups or getting hit by a semi-tractor.

Mandy :) said...

Paaaaaaaartyyy Time!! Woohoo

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