(Class times today: 0600, 0730,0830,0930,5pm and 6pm)
Front squat 60% of max


10 minute AMRAP:
Burpees 15

Meet James.....our next Firebreather. When he's not on duty at his P.D. job or S.W.A.T, you will find him lifting some heavy weights here at Viking.

Congratulations to Amy D. and Ben F. They won our 6 week Zone Challenge!!!!
Amy lost the most weight of 11 pounds. She also lost 1 inch on her hips and 3 inches around her waist. Ben lost the most inches: 2.5 inches around his hips and 4 inches around his waist.
Great job Amy and Ben! They will both receive a $25 gift certificate to University Mall.
Cami J. and Lina T. were close behind and we wanted to also tell them great job on their hard work. There were many of you who lost 5-7 pounds and lost inches around your waist and hips. We encourage you all to stick with it and really work on reaching your goals. You can do it!

***The Group wod tomorrow (Saturday) will be at 0800 instead of 0900 this week***


Wade Olsen said...

Burpees are the Devil! It was a good WOD though. Kick my... and it proves I need to work on my cardo.

Thanks for the beat down Jason!


Natalie said...

Yes, today was a great wod. You can push yourself on a 10 amrap. You should definitly be on the floor after this, or you didn't push yourself hard enough.
Where is everyone??? The blog has been quiet lately.

Natalie said...

P.S. Congrats Amy and Ben!
Cool pic of James today.

Jason said...

This WOD wasted me. It was good though because it was short enough not to take a rest. I don't know what was worse the SDHP or the burpees.

That is a good question. What is your least favorite exercise. I know a lot of you hate burpees, but they aren't as bad for me. I have the worst time with Thrusters. Anyway good luck everyone tonight.

Anonymous said...

virtual shoveling, they suck. we need to do them in a WOD sometime.

Jason said...

Virtual shoveling. I will put it in a WOD in the near future. Great idea.

Will said...

Hey Anonymous (Blake), why don't you shut your big mouth! Least favorite hands down is wall balls. Did the WOD after everybody left tonight. Left me on the floor.

Jason said...

Well Will you get extra credit for doing the WOD in uniform. I guess your boots are almost like weightlifting shoes.

Lars said...

If you are looking for a least favorite exercise I would have to nominate those turkish getups. Who thought those up?? It doesn't even make sense that you would hold weight above your head and try to stand up as fast as you can. Those are like burpees on steroids, and I hate burpees...

Jason said...

That sounds like a great WOD turkish get-ups and virtual shoveling. Thanks for the ideas guys.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with you people? You're the prisoners...Jason is the guard! Do you really want to feed him all these ideas of how he can torture you better? Trust me, from what I've seen he doesn't need any help in that department. He's got just enough evil in him to make Crossfit plenty effective. My aching broken body stands as a witness to that painful truth.

Anonymous said...

I HATE PULLUPS!!!!! And I agree with Jason, thrusters are up there on my list as well. I guess it really depends on how many reps of the exercise I have to do with out stopping. I recall the 21 wall balls unbroken.... That was hard!

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