
3 rounds:
15 squat cleans
50 sit-ups

10 minute time limit so be careful what weight you choose. If you don't finish under 10 minutes you will post a DNF/ did not finish.


Wade Olsen said...

Interesting WOD. I know you said be careful what weight you pick, so what would be some suggested weights?


P.S. - I PR'd on the Filthy 50, with a 29:42 today.

Jenn said...

So, I was traveling today and didn't get to do the Filthy 50. I would have liked to compared my times. Perhaps later this week, when I get back...

What weights do you recommend for James and me? We will be doing this wod from sunny California. We'll be sure to post our times. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Sad I didn't get to do filthy fifty either, I had two volleyball games and I couldn't squeeze in the wod before, maybe I can make it up as well?

Jason said...

Ok here is the scoop on weight. I did 95# and did just under 9 minutes. If you finish this WOD over 10 minutes it was too heavy. So you could do 55, 65, 75, 85, 95. The point was to keep it under 10 minutes.

I hope that clears it up for everyone. I didn't want people putting on 135 and finishing the WOD in 20 minutes. Good luck to everyone.

Jason said...

Also Natalie just did 22:09 on Filthy Fifty. That is with 45# push press, 35# kettlebell, and 14# medball. Great job Natalie, best time in t he gym RX.

Anonymous said...

I want to be just like Natalie when I grow up! Amazzzzzzing!


Anonymous said...

Now it's a "toss up" who I"d want next to me in a street fight. Jason... or Natalie... hmmmmm
I beat my time by 13 minutes from last fall, however I did have to substitute push ups (with my Perfect Push Up Bars) because of my dumb wrist. I got 26 something. If I penalize myself 3 to 5 minutes for that I figure I still slammed my 38 minute time from last fall. It's encouraging because there is definite progress.
And, oh yeah, I'm tired...
Jim H

Jenn said...

Ok, James and I finally got around to today's wod. James used 75# and finished in 9:04. I used 30 and finished in 8:39. I got scared to use higher weight because I wanted to be able to finish in under 10 minutes but think I went just a tad light. I could probable have used 35, maybe 40. James felt like his weight was perfect. We also did not use ab mats as there weren't any to use and man is my lower back hurting from rocking on the hard floor! This wod was pretty rough. We sat in the floor for a solid 5 minutes afterwards! This was James's last wod for a bit as he will be on a flight early tomorrow morning for Afghanistan. Good one to send him off with!

We also got some really good pictures of us doing handstands on Pacific Beach in San Diego that I can't wait to send! See you all in a few days!

Natalie said...

Oh that dang Filthy Fifty!!! It really is horrible. Thanks guys for the nice words :)
Jim you really improved your time on the FF...great job!
Jenn...send me those beach pics so I can post them. See you when you get back.

Will said...

First of all I want to thank everybody for their patience tonight. Things got pretty busy with people coming in to get passes, getting subs, weights and scaling worked out and so on. You all rolled with it and I thank you!
Welcome to Shane who came in for the 4 pm, hope we get the pleasure of seeing you around more. Good job to John who gutted through the Filthy Fifty. Everyone showed alot of heart and intensity tonight. I appreciate all of your efforts.
The quote of the day goes to Des who came in at 4 as I was finishing up the last set of sit ups in the wod and taking a very, very short breather (at least in my mind) and said "Get going nobody takes a break on situps!" Well put sister, well put!

Natalie said...

Hahaha Des, good for you! Sounds like it was great night tonight with a couple new people dropping in too. Thanks Will! See some of you tomorrow.

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