First round:
KB swings
Box jumps

Second round immediately after the first:

Sergio demonstrates a good squat depth in his med ball cleans.

**Please note: This Saturday's am class time has changed to 7:30 am. We have also canceled the Friday pm classes. We are trying to still have a class or two and we will let you know if we are able to as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience.

"Performance is directly correlated with intensity.
Intensity is directly correlated with discomfort."
- Coach Glassman


Wade Olsen said...

Jason... if you could do me a favor and share whatever it is that your are smokin'. I could really use some, especially if I'm going to be doing this WOD tomorrow.

I'm not saying... I'm just saying...


Anonymous said...

It is I...the Crossfit Phantom, once again! Even I, who delights in the dark and absurd must agree with the one they call "Wade". Is it true, Jason? Do you partake in a form of illegal substance abuse known as weed, pot, maryjane, grass, chronic, hydro, hashish, dank, diesel, skunk, Mexican dirt, bud or bomb chron? If you rally your courage and muster the strength to admit this weakness, the wods you design for the patrons of Viking Crossfit would suddenly make sense to us all. We would learn that the pain you inflict upon us is not from a deep seeded hatred of those you train, but from a character flaw mingled with addiction. In some small way, it would bring peace to those tortured by your evil designs. I want you to know that even I, from the bowels of the Crossfit facilities where I roam freely and undetected (by the way, the bathrooms are kinda gross) am full of compassion for you. We're all pulling for a swift recovery that you might break the grip that controls your dark and twisted life. That way, we can all look forward soon to an AMRAP of stretching and foam rollers only.
Phantom, out...

Wade Olsen said...

Phantom... all I have to say is... umm... Wow! But riddle me this... How is it you can come up with a post like that, BUT you can't come up with a simple catch phrase.

I'm not saying... well, you know the rest.


Anonymous said...

Phantom to Wade.
Now you know my curse AND my quest. It is not my weakness in catch phrases, It's your genius. Yours is simple, repeatable and doesn't grow old to those of us that read it daily. That's a high bar, even for the Phantom. I pray for sweet release from the syllabic chains that bind my tortured soul.
I'm just saying...(to borrow a phrase)

Anonymous said...

Oh, phanton it is old, very old, because no one ever knows what is "being said"

Anonymous said...

In regards to the last post- what is "being said" is an apparent struggle for the Phantom to come up with a closing line or "catch phrase" as good as Wade's "I'm not saying...I'm just saying". Personally, I'm enjoying the drama...

Anonymous said...

I was not referring to the CP, trying to come up with a catch phrase. I hope he does, and hope it is a good one. I was referring to the "am not saying..just saying" phrase. So again... what is being said exactly?????

Anonymous said...

Oh! That's a question only Wade can answer. I think that's the same question that initially spawned the Phantom...

Anonymous said...

Jim said...
Hey everyone. Personally, I'm looking forward to wall balls after yesterdays "box squats". That was an interesting technique. Sitting on a box with 200 lbs accross your shoulders and trying to stand up. At first I thought Jason was kidding, but actually it reall targeted hips and hams. Very eye opening. However, following that up with wall balls? Ouch...

T said...

Great wod today, I finally did all box jumps on the "big girl" box, no mods. Thanks for the encouragement ladies to get me to the next level! You are awesome!

Wade Olsen said...

I seriously think that my arms are going to fall off at the shoulders. They are so weak after 42 HSPUs rx'd and everything else with those. I was seriously jumping in the air on the wall balls cause my arms couldn't throw med ball high enough with just my arms.

Thanks for pushing me Cody!


Jason said...

Taryn, I agree it enjoyed the WOD, but the HSPUs are just killing me. That added a bunch of time to my WOD. I was really sucking wind after the first round, also.

Natalie and I did the WOD this afternoon and of course along with a lot of you she kicked my butt. I saw some really fast times today.

If you can't do head to floor HSPUs and you are doing box HSPUs or maybe HSPUs with abmats, try to challenge yourself a little more on this WOD. If you use two abmats use one. If you have been doing them piked on a box try and use three abmats and do it on the wall. Now that everyone is picking up on their pull-ups and double-unders lets try to get our HSPUs by the end of the summer.

Good luck this afternoon. The morning class did awesome.

Wade Olsen said...

Jason, what was your time?

Jason said...

13:something with a 2 pood kettlebell, head to floor hspu.

Wade Olsen said...

@Jason - I was hoping I would've been close to you, but NOT! I only used the 53lbs KB and I took 16:47 (I think).


Natalie said...

Good job Taryn! And Wade, doing full HSPU will add time for sure...good job.

Ok, Phantom.....you sure know a lot about illegal substances! Hmmmm...that could make you a former user or a cop. j/k. And btw....I hope your using the bathroom downstairs behind the curtain. That is Viking Crossfit's bathroom and it is much cleaner. The other one is used by the rock climbers, and they don't keep that one very clean.

Anonymous said...

Phantom to Natalie...
Let's face it. We're both grown ups, right? Neither of those bathrooms are the Taj Mahal. One of the great powers of The Phantom is his power to "hover" when necessary. Oops...now you know I'm a man because I said "his". Well, so be it. Another clue you ask? The Phantom has the greatest respect for all those serving in law enforcement, but I am not one. The time is quickly approaching when I must reveal myself. Until then, you'll have to keep guessing and wondering, "Is it him? Or him? Or maybe it's him?" Look around the classes at all your Vikings... One of them IS the Phantom...
By the way, the last two wods have been a bit of a killer. The Phantom's buns are on fire and I'm pretty sure I had a mini stroke during the HSPU's...
Phantom, out...

Wade Olsen said...

I think it is Will, under the pull up bars, with the kettlebell.


Anonymous said...

Nicely done, Wade! A "Clue" reference.
I like it...

Natalie to Phantom said...

"Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Phantom?" Our bathrooms are quite plush! Did you catch the "catch phrase" there? I thought I would help you out. Here are some more for you.....

"De plane! De plane!"

"Live long and prosper"

"And that's the way it is"

"Come on down!"

"Let's get ready to rumble!"

"Good grief"

"Hey hey HEEY!"

"Yada, yada, yada"

"It takes a licking ..."

"Never assume..."

Anonymous said...

A humbled Phantom to Natalie...
Natalie, you cut me to the quick.
I need time to brood.
I'll get back to you soon enough.

PS- You forgot,
"Mom always said- Don't play ball in the house!"
"Time to make the donuts"
"That's hot!"
"The tribe has spoken"
"Good night, John Boy"
"I can't believe I ate the whole thing"
"Tastes great, less filling"
"I want my MTV"
"Homey don't play that"
"You're fired!"
"But why is the rum gone?"

Anonymous said...

somebody's got way too much time on their hands!

Will said...

Wade, some reasons why I could never be the phantom. One, I always sign my name to my posts, even the ones that make Mandy cringe because I'm posting something stupid or slightly adult in nature . Two, I've never even heard of some of the names for pot that were listed. Three, my buns aren't on fire but they are shapely.
Four, if I needed a catch phrase I've already got some favorites that I use on occasion. I don't use them at the gym cuz they MIGHT have an F-bomb or two. If you ask Jeanie she might let you in on my favorite one of all that involves gouging and skulls.
Five, this one ties in with four. While I can be fairly eloquent with the written word (I know, I know, I don't show it much) I often lean to a baser, adolescent form of expressing myself. Yes, it's a weakness that I often find myself (or Mandy) apologizing for. :)
Five I don't find the bathrooms bad at all. I've seen and used bathrooms that were so bad you were afraid something was gonna crawl up the urine stream, infect you and kill you within a week. So in comparison ours are the Taj Mahal.
Last but not least, while I have alot of respect for the cops among us I try and take every chance I have to tease them. Just because they didn't score high enough on the Firefighter test to get a good job doesn't mean I have toe the line when it comes to harassing them!

Anonymous said...

Phantom's response to Will...
"I like this guy"

Jeanie said...

LOL Will! Oh yeah, THAT phrase! It's a good one. There's also the other hundred or so I have been fortunate to have been exposed to over the last four months. You definitely come up with some good ones!

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