(Sorry, no 0730 class)
Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
Rest precisely three minutes between each round.
Post time for each of five rounds to comments.
Corey is still going strong. She's one awesome pregnant Crossfit mom!
Crossfit Endurance
Choose ONE Of The Following Sports:
Swim, Bike Run, C2
Swim: SC: 12min, LC: 15min, U: 35min
Bike:SC-LC 60min, U: 80min
Run: SC: 20min, LC: 30min, U: 60min
C2: 25min
As much as it hurts me to miss this wod, I'm going to have to miss it. I'm taking a rest day tomorrow. I deserve it after being in the gym for two hours this morning. (My own fault.) I will however being doing a CE wod tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 at the PG High Track if anyone would like to join me.
Good luck with Barbara everyone!
Could you please explain "SC, LC, and U" in the CE workout? Sorry, it's too late for me to think about what that might be.
Jim said...
Let's see...that's 100 pull ups, 150 push ups, 200 sit ups and 250 squats. Is that right? Just checking...
It's not a typo, right? Just checking...
You're sure that's right?
Ok... I believe you, but it's not very nice of you...you "trainers", you...
No, you're way off Jim, it's only 20, 30, 40, and 50 X5. It should be a pretty easy day at the gym.
Happy WOD
Jim said...
Oh! Thanks, Cody. I was scared there for a minute. It's going to be much easier the way you describe it...
Oh boy! This is gonna be a good one. And of course you would say that Cody. We all know your number. bwaa haa haa
Sc is short course LC long course and U is for ultra as in ultra marathon. I think those are the definitions.
Best personal trainers are a t VCF...I could barely walk out the building let alone teach my Little Ninjas 4-6year old class right after. Thanks alot...lol..i love it..i hate it..AHHH!!!
Spoke with James this morning. He said he didn't time the wod, only his rests. One of his guys threw up near the end, but in his defense they were pumping the toilets or whatever they have (James used another choice word...) Thinks his time was around 30 or so minutes total with rests added in. A lot of ripped hands and sore ams!
I did this one rx'ed (sort of). My push ups were like burpee push ups but still not on my knees! And my hands are on fire from the pull ups! Added 4:00 to my previous time, 44:45 with rests. This one is such a mental wod. You think you're finished, but then you realize you still have 4 more rounds of the same thing to go! Ack, ack! Is all I can say!!
Everyone did amazing this morning! Thanks, Nat for the push!!
Incredible effort today everyone! This is such a tough wod and everyone worked so hard. This was the first time doing "Barbara" for a lot of you and it was awesome to see you guys break through some mental barriers. That's were you get your biggest gains (mental and physical) when you push yourself and finish when you think you can't. Excellent work.
Today was Jeremy's last day. He will be heading out to Iraq this week. Good luck Jeremy! Stay safe out there. We will miss you. You are a great athlete and a lot of us will miss seeing your times on the board...you were a tough one to beat. :)
Chantel Said...
Hey guys, I miss the WOD I figured out the other day I have only been gone for a month but I am back to feeling icky.... stick with it all ya can it makes a difference. I try te workouts by myself but they dont seem to have the same affect... any suggestions.
ALso I AM GETTING MARRIED!!!!!!!! I am super excited it is June 30th... 42ish more days I think!
Chantel....Congratulations on your engagement! Send us an invitation. We miss you at the gym! Get your butt back in here. :)
Well, although I missed the wod, I got my CE wod in. I hope it helps.
This WOD was a tough one for me today. I just took it at a slow pace today. I have had a bad head cold all week but still wanted to do the workout. It was a good one though and I'm glad it's over with. It took me 6 minutes longer to do it this time but on a good note I did harder pullups this time so that makes me feel a little better.
Great job Mel! Amanda...a Crossfit Endurance wod is always great to do. Keep it up.
Oh wow!!! I felt like a horrible mom going to the store after this WOD with my daughter. I made her push the cart. :-X This was very mental for me. I have a love/hate relationship with it. Cody pushed me through this. I did it RX if you count my push ups kind of being belly flops. But knees were off ground and arms were straight. My time was 46:02. Take the 9 minute rest time off of that it would be 37:02. I am happy with that. Jeff and Lee did this work out with me. I am glad they showed up. It would have been hard doing it alone. They did great!! I believe this was their first time doing this. Way to go guys!!!! Thanks Cody!!
Love y'all dearly, and no I don't think soda is particularly good for me, but there's a lot of misinformation about cola in this blog post. Obligatory rebuttal:
I think the best argument against soda is the high sugar content in normal sodas, and the issues caused by artificial sweeteners in the diet variety. We all know why sugar isn't good for us, here's the issue with artificial sweeteners:
Animal studies have indicated that artificial sweeteners can cause body weight gain. A sweet taste induces an insulin response, which causes blood sugar to be stored in tissues (including fat), but because blood sugar does not increase with artificial sugars, there is hypoglycemia and increased food intake the next time there is a meal. After a while, rats given sweeteners have steadily increased calorie intake, increased body weight, and increased adiposity (fatness). Furthermore, the natural responses to eating sugary foods (eating less at the next meal and using some of the extra calories to warm the body after the sugary meal) are gradually lost.
Well I'll keep it light hearted and say at least we can eat chocolate:
And it was nice to have Mandy and Jeff there to do the workout with. I scaled too much but I'm sure today will rock me just enough. Mandy did really well...
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