9:00 PM

Tuesday 5/4/10


Warm up + Pistol practice (one-legged squats)

AMRAP 10 minutes
20 double-unders
10 box jumps

"Cardiorespiratory endurance, stamina, strength, power, speed, flexibility, agility, accuracy, balance, and coordination: you're as good
as your weakest link." -Coach G.

Crossfit Endurance:

3+ Hours After Anaerobic Endurance Strength & Conditioning WOD

Choose ONE of The Following Sports:

Swim, Bike,Run, C2

3min on, 3min off, 2min on, 2min off, 1min on, 1min off,2min on, 2min off 3min on, Done.

Cover as much Distance as possible, Choose terrain that mimics your upcoming Race or Event.


Jason said...

oohhh, I didn't realize that my legs would feel this sore from the back squats. I guess it wasn't the amount but the weight. How did everyone do today?

Also, if you have something for James try and bring it this week. We will probably send his package next week.

Mandy :) said...

Its not my legs, its my arms and chest. Great work out today though. I practiced on lot's of double unders and pull ups after I was done. So it has kind of made my arms feel better. :)

AnnEE said...

Remember the time I was the new girl PANTING FOR DEAR LIFE in the corner? That was fun. :)

Natalie said...

LOL AnnEE...(Analee?) Can wait to meet you! :)

Will said...

Good job this afternoon Annee. Don't worry, if you looked around everybody was sucking wind that was doing the wod. I know I was when I did it. Welcome to the gym! Good job to Ryan on the wod today. He's already made some significant improvements. Welcome to Jeffree as well. Nice job on the 24" box jumps.

Mandy :) said...

Yeah I have to agree with Will, Wow Ryan you were kicking some booty.
And Annee I am not the new girl and still suck wind. lol You did great. I was actually impressed that you did the full WOD. You should not be as sore now. Or maybe different muscles are sore.
And Jeffree came in on his first WOD with us and took no breaks and pushed through it. This will be a great thing for him to get through the Fire Academy.
Oh and Jeanie got her first kipping. hee hee No more band for her. lol lol

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