Group wod at 0730 am (note time change.)
Sumo-deadlift high pulls (95/65)
GHD sit-ups or Ab-mat sit-ups
Compare to 04-06-09
(There will now be a 4pm and a 5pm class tonight.)
3 rounds
400 m row
Hang power cleans, 15 reps
15 burpees
Announcing the 2010 CrossFit Games! - video [wmv] [mov]
First round:
KB swings
Box jumps
Second round immediately after the first:
Sergio demonstrates a good squat depth in his med ball cleans.
Intensity is directly correlated with discomfort." - Coach Glassman
Back Squat
Congrats Dave on receiving your Level 1 cert. last weekend! (Bottom picture)
Are your legs still sore from last week's squat and lunges workout? We will make sure to use this nifty little device next time....Three Minute Legs
20 minute AMRAP:
400 meter run or row
20 pull-ups
25 sit-ups
As your coaches, we can give you the WOD, a dietary guideline, and all the support you will ever need. We will constantly teach you new things and consistently go over the old, always striving for perfection. We won't let you count a rep without full range of motion or let you continue with unsafe form. When you think that you cannot push any harder, we will be there to push you just a bit more.
What we cannot do, however, is make you eat better. We can't make you eat paleo or zone, or both. We know what it takes to increase your performance and get lean at the same time. No, it's not easy, but it's worth it. So, no matter how much we preach it to you, it is ONLY up to YOU to not cheat yourself! If you are not getting lean, you are not eating right; and even though your performance is getting better, you have no idea how MUCH better it could be if you fed your body the fuel it craves.
"Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and NO SUGAR."
Yes, you need to be diligent; you need to be strict! Once in a while, have a cheat meal, it's okay. We can adjust your zone blocks to put you on enough calories to live and Crossfit, but not enough to support fat; if you have any more than that, you will not lose or possibly gain.
If you are not getting all the results that you want out of Crossfit, YOU have to change something. Start now, not tomorrow.
Ask any of the trainer's about the Zone or Paleo diet or click the tabs below.
The Paleo Diet
For time:
75 reps
Power Snatch 75/55
In honor of Randy Simmons, 51, a 27 year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member who was killed February 6 in the line of duty. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Officer Simmons' wife and two children.
Power Snatch [wmv][mov]
Jeremy and Steve will be leaving in the next month for Iraq and Afghanistan. Last week was Steve's last week training. Please post farewell wishes and comments for our 2 other hero's at the gym. Stay stay out there!
Click here for this week's schedule.
We are going to get a package together to send to James in Afghanistan. Jenn said some things he might like are chewing gum, a flashlight (has to be red or blue light) , notes, cards, or anything fun that might keep his mind off the stress there and make his day. We will have a box at the gym, I'm sure he would love to hear from all of you.
Basic Movements Class for new clients 0800
Group wod 0900
ring dips
In honor of Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor, 30, of Little Creek, VA,
who was killed in Afghanistan June 2005
Natalie with one of the original Crossfit firebreathers, Eva T.
Good luck Dave at the Level 1 cert this weekend!
Cody is also at a cert this weekend....Crossfit Kids coming soon!
(An 0930 class has been added today. Sorry, no 4pm class today.)
3 rounds:
1 minute jumping pull-ups
1 minute kettlebell swings
1 minute sit-ups
1 minute rest
(Go hard....then try to match your reps the following rounds.)
Love the intensity Monica!
Top Ten Fitness Facts......Things you should know about exercise.
There will be a Basic Movements Class Saturday at 8:00 am for all new clients who have not attended the class yet. See you there!
3 rounds for time of:
Walking lunge, 60 steps
50 Squats
25 Back extensions
This picture needs a caption... (post to comments)
Crossfit Endurance Wod:
3+ before of after the gym wod, Choose ONE of the Following Sports:
Swim: 3x(50m/y + 100m/y + 200m/y)
Bike: 3x( 1/2mile + 1 mile+ 2 mile)
Run: 3x( 200m + 400m+ 600m)
C2: 3x( 250m +500m+ 750m)
Rest the exact time it takes you to do each interval in each set. EX. 200m run in 35 sec. rest 35 sec then 400m run, rest 400m time, run 600m, rest 600m time, run 200m, etc.
Push Press
Push Jerk
Now that's intensity Wade! I'm not saying... I'm just saying...
Mark your calendars for these Upcoming Events:
Orem city Firefighter's 5K run....June 12, 2010 (Everyone plan on doing this one. We are going to run this one together as a gym. It's a good route for anyone doing a 5K for the first time.)
Provo Freedom Run....July 5, 2010Share a Smile Triathlon....August, 2010 (More info. to come)
If any of you know of a fun race, triathlon, etc. that would be fun to do as a group, let us know.
Knees-to-elbows (Knees must touch elbows)
Knees to Elbows Demo [mov][wmv]
Okay everyone, try not to covet Justus' abs.
Crossfit Endurance wod:
3 hrs before or after the daily WOD, choose ONE of the Following sports:
Swim: 2x8 min, Rest 2 min Between intervals
Bike: 2x15 min, Rest 2 min Between intervals
Run: 2x12min, Rest 2 min Between intervals
C2: 2x8min, Rest 2 min Between intervals
Cover as much distance as possible in each of the 2 intervals.
4 Rounds
400m run
25 Burpees
Cody doing muscle-ups during "Nate."
"Our workouts are short, but tough. But you'll want more. After a month, you'll find yourself checking our website on a daily basis, and joke about 'drinking the Kool-Aid.' After three months, you'll start breaking your own personal bests and bringing your friends. We've grown because CrossFit is amazing, not because we have a special limited-time offer on our membership."......We love this article and feel the same way about us here at Viking Crossfit. Read more here in "Is CrossFit Hardcore?" from Crossfit Catalyst (Canada).
Click here for this week's schedule.
(Sorry, no 0730 or 6pm class today)
5 Rounds
15 box jumps
12 pull-ups
10 med-ball cleans
Medicine Ball Cleans...[wmv][mov]
Scott busts out some great push presses.
"Why Do I CrossFit?" with Ben Lunak, video [wmv] [mov]
Warm up + snatch practice
Choose ONE Of the following Sports then do:
Swim, Bike, Run, C2
9x1min On, 1 min Off
Hold distances as consistent as possible, Bike and Run, do this as an out and back. C2/ swim measure meters.
Foul if you go over or under your 1st round distance. RPE of no less than 16. (RPE= Rate of perceived exertion. See RPE scale here.)
Foul= 2 min of max rep push ups.
**REMEMBER= Most of you will need to scale the CF endurance wods. If the Fouls and RPE is too confusing, just do the wod and don't worry about the fouls.
(Sorry, no 6pm class tonight)
20 minute AMRAP
2 muscle-ups
8 KB swings 2 pood
(from the Crossfit Endurance website)....
CrossFit Endurance was created with the belief that you have taken the time to learn the skill of your sport. The website is to be used with the Anaerobic Endurance WOD, Main Site WOD, your affiliate, or your own CrossFit Programming (Beware, poor programming will come at your cost in fitness and sport). Follow the directions as indicated on each day's WOD. If you aren't recovering and hitting times that you should hit, take a day or two off... Recovery is why you get better, not more training!
With Progression!!! CrossFit 4-6 times per week. The most successful athletes will be able to follow a 3:1 CrossFit/Strength and Conditioining cycle. Choose ONE sport per day on this site. Single sport athletes should only be following this site 2-3 times a week. Typically, 1 cycle, which is 1 interval, 1 tempo/stamina workout, and 1 more interval workout... This should be spaced accordingly throughout the week. Multisport athletes should train no more than 2 workouts per week per sport on this site. PERIOD! Follow anything else and you are not following this site correctly.
Yes we know this is contrary to what everyone else is telling you....We aren't everyone.
( CAN train less and get great results within your sport, if not better, and with less injuries.)
Hang power snatches
Ring dips
Des demonstrates a great front squat. Des is quiet at the gym, but don't let her fool you, she is an amazing athlete!
The Hang Power Snatch:
There is nothing that combines the level of speed, power, and muscular development that
the hang power snatch (HPS) provides. This is an explosive movement that combines the
power of a power clean and the speed of a sprint. In fact research has shown that the body
produces more speed while performing the snatch than any other movement tested. A great exercise for your back and shoulder.
HPS Tips:
-- Keep the bar very close to your body at all times. This will make it much safer and
easier for you to pull your body under the bar for the squat portion of the move.
-- Keeping your torso tight and in proper alignment is vital. Having strong hamstrings,
low back, shoulders and abs is critical to overall success.
-- Don’t pull with your arms first. Let your legs and hips initiate the movement, and use
your arms to pull yourself under the bar.
--Think of jumping up with the snatch, it is not a hip swing.
-- In the catch position, activate those shoulders to hold that heavy weight, like in the Overhead squat.
--You can also do HPS with dumbbells. For added difficulty try one arm at a time. This is a great core exercise. (We did these a couple of weeks ago.)
Crossfit Endurance:
Choose ONE Of The Following Sports
Swim: 20minutes total: at 85% for first 10min then pick it up to 90% on the last 10min
Bike: 90 minutes total: at 85% for first 45min then pick it up to 90% on the last 45min
Run: 40 minutes total: at 85% for first 20min then pick it up to 90% on the last 20min
C2: 15 minutes total: at 85% first 7.5min recover 1min, then 90% for second 7.5min
(Sorry, no 0730 class today)
"Tabata Something Else"
Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.
Post total reps from all 32 intervals to comments.
We have some new foam rollers at the gym which will aide greatly in muscle recovery. Watch this video on the Foam roller. Get in the habit of using them after your wods.
Click here for this week's schedule.
- Charles Kingsley
Group wod at 0900
Here is a great picture of Angela doing a handstand near a blowhole in Hawaii.
We talked about doing a Rowing Clinic today but decided to do it in the next couple of weeks where more of you can attend. There are many clients out of town for Spring Break. Have a great weekend!
This is last minute but....Guys night out at the Garcia's house Saturday night at 7:30 pm. Jason ordered the UFC fight. Anyone is welcome to come! 1568 N. 375 E. Orem. (at the top of the cul-de-sac.)
"Fight Gone Bad!"
Three rounds of:
Wall-ball 10/8 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75/45-55 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump (Reps)
Push-press, 75/45-55 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)
Compare to 1/25/10
10 minute AMRAP:
10 pull-ups
10 burpees
Crossfit Endurance WOD:
Choose ONE of The Following Sports:
Maximal Effort Required.
Bike: 2 mile Hill climb, Remain in the Saddle, push as big of a gear as possible, Cadence to not drop below 60 RPM Incline between 6-12%
Run: 1 mile Hill climb, Incline between 6-12%, Add 10-20lb weighted Vest (optional)
C2: 1500m, Damper setting between 8-10
Swim: 500m, add aT-shirt, parachute or Boots & Utes for dragPlease let a trainer know if you don't understand the CF endurance wod or if you have any questions. Remember: these wods are like the CF main site wods, you may have to scale them and that's okay. For example: if you can't run a hill climb at 6-12%, find a gradual hill to run up. If you are new at running, run a mile without a climb. You CAN do it.
(No 0730 class today)
250m sprint rows x 5 (1 minute rest between sprints)
Push Press
Viking Crossfit does "Murph."
(Today is a rest day for 6am class)
Five rounds for time of:
40 Double-unders
30 Box jumps, 24 inch box
20 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
Welcome Shane to Viking Crossfit!
Here is proof that you don't have to train for hours and miles to run a marathon...Read "Against the Norm." from Crossfit Scars.
Crossfit Endurance Wod: 12x20 Sprints
3+ Hours After your VCF WOD...Choose ONE of the Following Sports:
Swim: 12 x 20sec Sprints, All out Efforts ... 2 min Recovery between sprints.
Bike: 12x 20sec Sprints,All out Efforts... 2 min Recovery between sprints. "Come into this at speed to maximize the 20sec sprint"
Run: 12x 20sec Sprints, All out Efforts... 2min Recovery between sprints
C2: 12x20sec Sprints All out Efforts...2min Recovery between sprints. Damper setting is choice,"Come into each sprint at speed to maximize the 20 sec sprint"
"Bike and C2, once your 2min recovery has expired, start your roll in effort for each sprint"
Warm up + Snatch review
Front squat
Abmat sit-ups or GHD sit-ups
Compare to 7/13/09
We had a great turn out last Saturday to do "Murph". Phill, Jessica, Amanda, Dave, Des, Blake,Wade, Cody, Trent, and Preston and Jeremy (not pictured.) The "VCF does Murph" video is coming soon!
Click here for this week's schedule.
There will be no 0730 class on Monday and Wednesday. The 6am class will have a rest day on Tuesday instead of Thursday this week. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Crossfit Endurance wods will be posted on Tuesday and Thursdays.
Basic Movements at 0800
Group Wod at 0900
1 mile run
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 squats
1 mile run
For time: Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you've got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.
In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. This workout was one of Mike's favorites and he'd named it 'Body Armor.' From here on it will be referred to as 'Murph' in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.
Please be on time today! We will do a quick warm up and get started at 9:15. We can also scale this for many of you who will be doing it for the first time. This workout will take most people anywhere from 35 minutes to 1 hour. Unless there is a blizzard and it would be unsafe to run, plan on doing Murph rain or shine.
Warm up
Skill: Snatch balance (Snatch Balance [wmv] [mov])
10 min AMRAP
You and a partner pair up
7 med ball sit-ups each
7 burpees
Crossfit wolves. Ok, maybe not....but the ladies will be watching wolves and vampires tonight!
Girls night out tonight at 7pm at the Garcia's house. 1568 N. 375 E. (at the top of the cul-de-sac). Warning: Non-zone friendly food will be available. :) Girls if you would like to bring snacks that is fine too. I will have mostly movie treats and goodies. Hope a lot of you can make it.
If weather permits we will be doing Murph tomorrow (Saturday).
We've added a Basic Movements class Saturday at 0800. Please try to attend if you are new and have not made it to one of these classes yet.